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Alcohol influences the central nervous system, which controls many of your body's other functions - senses, speech and sense of pain. Blackouts,confusion,inability to process thoughts properly, slowed reaction times,sluggish behavior are just some of its short term symptoms.

When you drink, alcohol quickly enters the bloodstream spreading all over the body.Alcohol destroys the cells little by little which may or may not show for the first or second time around.

Do check the link below for some other symptoms of alcohol abuse...

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13y ago
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15y ago

what are the symptoms of an alcoholic? my partner drinks every day and has admitted to the accasional black out i dont know what he remembers doing or not.. i have told him that he is an alcoholic and he has not given a reply.. there are a number of things that have concerned me relating to the drinking hiding it etc.... how do i help?

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11y ago

Alcohol abusers, or problem drinkers, are people who drink too much on a regular basis. The alcohol use is self-destructive or can present a danger to others, but they demonstrate some ability to set limits and establish some control over their drinking. While some people are able to maintain this pattern for a long time, alcohol abusers who continue on that path often develop Alcoholism.

Although different people may use alcohol at different levels, the basic pattern is the same. Drinking becomes more important than anything else, including job, friends and family. Alcohol starts to increasingly impair them physically and emotionally, and often impairs judgment to a dangerous level. They may lie to themselves and others about how much they had to drink and how it affects them. They may deny that problems that are obviously alcohol-related, like fights, being late to work, spousal abuse, etc. are, in fact, caused by drinking. In other words, they begin to protect their access to their drug.


I can not say that I have done very many things in my life that I am proud of but defeating alcoholism is one. We have a vast population and unfortunately very few survive. It is with the help of my fellows and by the grace of God that I sit behind this computer screen today. I am doing my part in this vicious circle known as the alcoholic life to prevent the tragic events of my life from ever falling upon the shoulders of another. This is a disease that kills everyday, one way or another alcohol is related to many of the world's tragedies. I feel as if I could not leave this life without first sharing my knowledge of living with another suffering sole so they may too find what it means to really live.

To read more about one Survivor's triumph over the addiction of alcohol and the book he wrote from his experience check out!

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10y ago

Some symptoms of alcohol abuse are repeatedly neglecting responsibilities at home, school or work because of your drinking, using alcohol in situations were it is physically dangerous and drinking as a way to relax.

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10y ago

Some signs of alcoholism and alcohol abuse are a reddening of the cheeks and nose, which can lead to veins showing under the skin. Frequent mood swings and a refusal to see logic when it comes to their habit is another sign of abuse.

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12y ago

lying about how much you have had to drink, waking up on a morning and needing a drink of beer, drinking everyday

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There's an old movie (1945) about alcoholism called The Lost Weekend (based on the novel by Charles Jackson). It's brilliant; it really gets to the heart of alcoholism and the alcoholic mind.