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There are no online gamecube games, its not an online system.

sorry but that is extremely incorrect explain why they sell the broadband online adapter on GameStop

go to that address read up cause u need it.

I guess ill hav to research myself and this is what i found

Online gamingThe GameCube was at one point online compatible (and to a certain degree, stillby using a GameCube Broadband Adapter or Modem Adapter, though the only four games that featured an online component were Homeland, Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II, Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II Plusand Phantasy Star Online Episode III: C.A.R.D. Revolution. This online play was ended as of April 2007. Although the official servers for the PSO titles are now offline however, it is still possible to play online on various private serves such as SCHTHACK. LAN gameplay is still available for the three titles that originally supported it as well: Mario Kart: Double Dash‼, 1080° Avalanche and Kirby Air Ride. There are some third-party PC applications such as Warp Pipe and XLink Kai that allows online play of these three games by tunneling the network traffic through a computer and across the internet, though this is not supported by Nintendo.


go to that address while ur at it.

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I wonder why not play some games online?Maybe friend you can play some games here.

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Yes all Gamecube games are made to be compatible with the standard gamecube controller. Some games feature other controller that may be used but not required to play.

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Game Stop, or you can get them off of Ebay or Amazon.

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I don't think it'd be possible, considering that the Gamecube has games that are beyond the Nintendo 64's technical limits, and the N64 cartridge wouldn't have enough memory to store a Gamecube game.

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Nintendo does make some wireless controllers for the GameCube but they're a bit rare these days. Look around online and you may be able to find some.

Will game cube controller work on wii?

Yes, the GameCube controller will work for the Nintendo Wii. Since the Wii can play GameCube games, it requires the use of the GameCube controller and Wii controllers will not work for GameCube games.Also, some Wii games such as Mario Kart Wii and Super Smash Bros Brawl also are compatible with GameCube controllers.

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You can hook a cord up you get with the gamcube to your computer and it will give you codes for certain games you can also look online for some that's what I did

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Not anymore. Try looking online somewhere such as eBay if you want a copy of the game.

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Nothing ! just insert the game, but for some games you need the controller !