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they originally fished for cod, but when that wasnt enough, turned to agriculture and trade, trading corn and beaver pelts.

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Q: What are some cash crops in the Massachusetts colony?
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What are some important crops in the Pennsylvania colony?

Hemp and Tobacco which could bring in cash.

What types of crops were grown in the Plymouth colony?

Actually, the question is "What is the cash crop of the Plymouth Colony" COTTON

What are the cash crops of New York colony?

some cash crops in the new England colonies are corn, squash, which can also be pumpkin cause that is a type of squash, potatoes, and barley which is a type of grain... and that can be made into bread and rice...

What were some of the successes of the colony of Massachusetts?

some successes were that massachusetts became a state ( i think)

What do you call crops that are produced primarily to sell?

Cash crops. Example: some of the earliest cash crops in North America were tobacco and cotton.

What kind of crops are grown in Massachusetts?

Cranberries, corn, pumpkins, squash, and other vegetables tobacco, and rice are some of the crops grown in Massachusetts

How many kinds of cash crops are there?

There are many kinds of cash crops. Some of the cash crops of the US are Avocados, Bananas, Rice, Soybeans, Apples, Pears, Tobacco, Lemons and many others.

What is the main use of cash crop?

Cash crops are crops in an agricultural market which is grown for sale and profit. Some significant cash crops include cotton, coffee, tea, wheat and potatoes.

Did New Jersey plant any cash crops?

Maybe, you never know, maybe some person planted Cash crops or plantations some where hidden?

How did the Maryland colony interact with the other colonies?

The middle colonies produced the 'Staple Crops' or the food for all the other colonies. Some examples of them would be oats, wheat, barley, etc. The southern colonies provided 'cash crops' to earn money. Examples of cash crops were tobacco, sugar, rice, cotton, etc. The New England colonies also had cash crops.

Who was the small colony that eventually merged into Massachusetts Bay?

The Plymouth Colony was the colony that eventually merged into Massachusetts Bay Colony. Some of the members decided to leave and form their own colony after they stayed together for the first winter.

What crops did thre royal colony grow in Georgia?

The colonists who lived in Georgia grew a lot of different crops. Some of the most common were rice, tobacco, and indigo, and especially cotton, which was a cash crop that the Southern economy relied on to survive.