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from my calculation of other sites the last sit-in was in 1965. from my calculation of other sites the last sit-in was in 1965.

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Q: What are some civil rights and labor sit-ins and when di they occur?
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What is the last War to occur in California or Oregon?

No wars in either state. California did have Union troops stationed in the Central Valley during the Civil War, but none of the events in the war extended to the western states.

What is the suffix for occur?

the suffix for occur is unccur

In the state of Wisconsin do step parents have rights to step children if the custodial parents have fifty fifty custody and placement?

A step parent does have some rights, but they are extremely limited. In Wisconsin, step parents do have rights regarding day to day care, BUT their rights are subject to the wishes of the biological parent that they are married to. As regards parental rights, a step parent is not considered a parent, but a legal guardian. In all major decisions (custody) or major events, a step parent does NOT have rights, nor can they contest a parent's rights in court unless they can prove a danger to the child would occur. In fact, a step parent who interfears with a biological parent's rights in any way can be held in Contempt for doing so. In ALL matters regarding the children, the rights of the step parent is ALWAYS trumped by either biological parent, unless a judge interseeds. In joint custody arrangements, both parents have equal rights, no one parent is above the other, no matter who has the children more, and a step parent cannot be a tie-breaker unless both parents agree. Only a judge, federal law, or state law can overrule or remove a biological parent's rights. The bottom line is the rights of a step parent in Wisconsin are VERY limited and are always subject to the biological parents.

Why does rainfall not occur in deserts?

Rain does occur in deserts but not as frequently as in non-desert areas.

Why do Red Tides occur?

they occur when dinoflagellates come together and multiply and keep multiplying...

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Where did most civil rights protest occur?

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Why did the civil rights movement ever occur?

to end slavery.

What are 5 events prior to the civil rights movement that caused the civil rights movement to occur?

The rise of the Black Panthers The Watts riots

What events did NOT occur during the Classical Period?

American Civil Rights Movement

Did the first atomic bomb dropping or Civil Rights Bill enactment occur first?

The first Civil Rights encactment occured in 1875; the first atomic bomb was dropped in 1945. Therefore, the Civil Rights Bill enactment occured first.

What impact did the Civil Rights movement have on African Americans?

They eventually realized that minorites on levels that may occur as being adolesence had the ability to be civil on the rights of African American movement.

Did President Eisenhower's biggest domestic initiative occur in the area of labor relations?

No, circumstances intervened and Civil Rights (Little Rock) may have overclouded even his contribution to the national transportation system (The Interstate Highway System.)

Why did Civil War occur?

The primary problem was the question of States Rights, while the underlying question was slavery.

What impact did African American youth have on the civil rights movement?

They eventually realized that minorites on levels that may occur as being adolesence had the ability to be civil on the rights of African American movement.

Did Charles Lindburgh's famous flight or the dropping of the first atomic bomb or the Civil Rights enactment occur first?

The first Civil Rights enactment occured in 1875. Charles Lindburgh took his famous flight trip in 1927. The first atomic bomb was dropping in 1945. Therefore, the Civil Rights bill enactment occured first.

How have the civil rights in the US changed over time?

Civil rights have evolved over the years. Even when slavery was ended, African Americans still had few rights. The Fifteenth Amendment gave them the right to vote, which was progress, but still they were segregated. Now, segregation is no longer allowed in a legal sense, though it can still occur in social circles. It has been a slow journey, but civil rights are moving in the right direction.

Civil in nature?

Civil law deals with disputes between individuals or organizations, typically involving compensation rather than punishment. It covers areas such as contracts, property rights, and personal injury. Examples of civil cases include lawsuits for breach of contract, defamation, or negligence.