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Ahhh... An age old question. Tennis is primarily played in countries that cannot afford squash rackets. This means that it is mostly played in places like Afganistan, Iraq, Turkmenistan, Namibia and Spain. Last year, a theory was voiced by esteemed scientist Dr. Richard Clark, that if life exists on Mars the sport played there will definitely be Tennis. He came to this conclusion by taking the capital letters in the book Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and arranging them to form sentences, that, when spoken into a low-quality microphone and played backwards, sound vagely like a confession that J.K Rowling is actually an ex-student of Hogwarts. When confronting her with this information, Dr. Clark was sadly thrown in jail for stalking because of the most unpleasant methods he used to get into her house. We are currently raising money to try and get him out of jail. If you would like to donate, please phone 1800-447-111. For more information, enter The Dr. Richard Clark Scandal into Wikipedia.

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6)United States






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Australia, New Zealand, USA, England, France, Argentina, Brazil

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England and wales

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Spain, England, Serbia, Switzerland

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Q: What are some countries that are good at tennis?
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What countries play tennis?

ANSWER:Three countries that play tennis are Switzerland, Wimbledon and Australia.

Why is tennis global?

Because many of people all around of world like to play and watch tennis. It is good for health and soul. Also professional tennis tournaments are playing in most of countries and contribute to popularity of this sport.

What are some good gift ideas for a beginner tennis player?

A new tennis player can use a racquet, a sleeve of tennis balls, a gift certificate for some lessons, a tennis outfit, and more. Even some rented time on a court with an opponent to practice and play is a great idea!

Is it good that some sports can be played unisex?

Yes! it is good. Unisex tennis can be very entertaining!

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Where can one find tutorial videos for tennis serves?

There are a number of online sources for videos of tennis serves. Some good places to look include YouTube, Active, Full Swing, Tennis Mindgame, and Optimum Tennis.

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Prince of Tennis!

Which countries play tennis?

Almost every country in the world has somehow contributed or plays tennis.

What is a website that sells table tennis equipment?

There is a website where table tennis equipment can be bought at Here, they offer some replacement nets for table tennis nets that have been lost at good prices.

What are the main countries that play Tennis?

Nina Borland

Which countries are competing in Olympics for tennis?

Switzerland etc