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Aerobic Dance

Are you fond of dancing? If yes, then why not use your hobby to your benefit. Aerobic dance helps in maintaining the all-round fitness and also turns out to be a delightful experience. You can also go for hip-hop form of dance, as it offers great cardio benefits and can be lots of fun, too.


If you still think that cycling is a kid's activity, come over it!! One of the best types of aerobic exercises, cycling provides great cardiovascular benefits, without causing any kind of mechanical stress to the back, hips, knees and ankles in the form of pain. For those who do not know how to ride a cycle, you can go for stationary ones.

Rowing Machine

Well, if you want to workout on all the muscle groups in the body, including the legs, buttocks, back, abdominals and arms, rowing can be the best option to explore. Since it involves the entire body, rowing can effectively burn more calories than any other type of aerobic exercises.

Fitness Walking

Tired of your sedentary lifestyle! Get going with some fitness walking. A 30-60 minute walk can prove to be very beneficial. Walking is highly recommended for overweight and older people. Even pregnant ladies can opt for walking, as it keeps you and your baby fit.


All you need is a good pair of running shoes!! One of the simplest aerobic exercises, it is a great way to burn calories. The best part is you get a chance to enjoy the bliss of nature and get a feel of fresh air. However, if you are a beginner, running can prove to be a little taxing.


If you do not want to go outside in the open, how about heading straight to the gym and working out on the treadmill? One of the main benefits of exercising on a treadmill is that it offers continuous feedback on the electronic consoles including features such as time, speed, distance and even heart rate.


For those who know swimming, it can prove to be an ideal aerobic exercise. Swimming does not cause much stress or strain to the joints of the body, making it really enjoying and entertaining. Laps prove to be a great way to burn the extra calories. Also, it can be the best way to beat the heat.

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12y ago

Running, brisk walking, dancing, boxing, kick boxing, gazelle, and more. Aerobic exercise requires 30 minutes of having your heart rate at least at 120.

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Walking on a treadmill is an excellent aerobic exercise. It is good for the heart and is one of the few forms of exercise that can aid in weight loss. It also doesn't place too much strain on the body.

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Some examples of begginer's aerobic exercise including lift light weights, small sprints that don't leave you too exhausted, plenty of water to make sure you stay hydrated.

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There are many different aerobic exercises offered. There are classes in step, indoor cycling, jump rope, jogging, and jazzercise. There are also some aquatic aerobic exercise classes available.

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Actually, every exercise is at least slightly aerobic or slightly anaerobic. Aerobic exercise is exercise with oxygen, in other words, exercise that gets you breathing hard by utilizing your cardiovascular system. Running, jogging, swimming, and walking are examples of aerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercise is exercise without oxygen, in other words, exercise that does not get you breathing hard. Doing a single squat or bench press are examples of anaerobic exercise. Also, many anaerobic exercises can be made aerobic simply by doing more of them, for example, doing 50 bench presses or squats without pausing. ----

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