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Well, in North Carolina, there used to be a sign on the road between the coast and the capital that said, "entering the city of ...., Notice: NO {word for a black person}, No Catholics, and no Carpetbaggers. That sign was there when my previous pastor made his weekly trip to the capital. A couple years later they removed the reference to black people, but not Catholics. A friend of my mother's used to work at a local eatery in the town where I live, and one of the waitresses with whom she had worked for months took her aside and asked her if it was true that Catholics drunk the blood of babies. Up until the past few years there were precious few Catholics in this entire state, and some of the Horror stories that people were told are hard to believe. There are still numerous incidents of hate speech on the web. One particularly vile site is Chick publications which continues to sell numerous anti-Catholic tracts to hand out. And then there is the Landover Baptist Church site:

The Church guarantees salvation since 1620 that is actually their logo. sounds like there selling burgers.

well anyways they have the forum website which at first glance looks like an absolute joke and they pretty much condemn everyone to hell, at first sign up (curiosity and questions got the better of me) you realize these people really believe in what they think and oh your given the title of 'unsaved trash' once anyone is signed up and need to work your way up to "True Christiansâ„¢" (which actually is a registered trademark of the company). talk against any of their teachings and your title will be 'eternally condemned to hell' or "papist dog' depending what question you have asked. But no wait it even gets better in there "false religion category" they have threads with titles such as,

•Why Roman Catholic Papists Are NOT Christians

•10 Reasons why GOD HATES SOCCER!

•10 Reasons why GOD HATES SWEDEN!

•Michael Jackson alive - Hidden by Catholics

•Towns that will go straight to hell

•The Godfather of the Vatican: the Catholic Church and the Mafia


My personal favorite is the "Michael Jackson hidden by Catholic" thread

The List goes on that was actually the first couple of pages.

Each one of these threads these people actually believe in what they say.

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Q: What are some examples of prejudice and discrimination against the Catholic religion?
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What does prejudice and discrimination means?

Prejudice: Hatred towards a race, group, or religion Discrimination: Unfair treatment of a race, group, or religion

What are examples of prejudice and discrimination in the present day?

Today, there are still examples of prejudice and discrimination all around. There are racists, sexists, and many religion prejudices in the world. Also, there are still people who judge according to looks and heritage. A lot of prejudice has been removed but that doesn't mean it is gone completely. For instance, people tend to think women are the type that do the cooking, but do you see more male or female chefs? Males are normally chefs but people still stereotype women as the cooks.

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Judaism is a religion. Antisemitism is: 1. anti-Jewish prejudice, discrimination and 2. it can also be an ideology.

What is predjudice against religion?

Prejudice against religion is when individuals hold negative beliefs, attitudes, or stereotypes towards individuals or groups based on their religious beliefs or practices. This type of prejudice can lead to discrimination, marginalization, and mistreatment of individuals who belong to a particular religion.

What is the difference between prejudice and discrimination?

Prejudice is a preformed opinion, usually an unfavourable one, based on insufficient knowledge, irrational feelings, or inaccurate stereotypes.Discrimination is the unfair treatment of one person or group, usually because of prejudice about race, ethnicity, age, religion, or gender.Example:Sally doesn't let Mark sit next to her in English class (discrimination) because she has heard that he is a nerd, and Sally doesn't like nerds (prejudice).

How are prejudice and discrimination related?

Prejudice is a preconceived negative attitude or belief towards a group of people, while discrimination involves actions that result in unfair treatment or disadvantage based on those prejudices. Prejudice can fuel discriminatory behaviors such as excluding individuals from opportunities or mistreating them based on stereotypes. Discrimination is the behavioral manifestation of prejudice.

Are some religions still prejudice?

Yes. No doubt about that,although its the people who follow religion not the religion itself that is intolerant of others.

What did you learn about prejudice?

Prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. It can lead to discrimination and unfair treatment of individuals or groups based on aspects such as race, gender, or religion. Recognizing and addressing prejudice is important in promoting equality and social justice.

Are discrimination and prejudice the same?

Discrimination and prejudice are related concepts, but they are not the same. Prejudice refers to negative attitudes, beliefs, and stereotypes held about a particular group of people, while discrimination involves unfair treatment or actions taken against individuals based on their membership in that group. Discrimination is often a result of prejudice.

What is discrimatation?

Discrimination is usually when someone has been unfairly treated based on prejudice. These prejudices tend to be do to race, religion, income, and other ways of life.

What are some reasons why prejudice is bad?

Prejudice is harmful because it leads to discrimination and unfair treatment of individuals or groups based on characteristics such as race, gender, or religion. It can perpetuate stereotypes, limit opportunities, and create divisions in society. Prejudice undermines diversity, equality, and social cohesion.

How can you end prejudice and discrimination?

It can not be fix, it's human nature, besides religion is more prejudice than race or color. The entire human population should be eliminated, and only then would both race and religious indifferences be resolved.