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quebec from the rest of Canada because quebec chooses to stick to their french heratige while the rest of canada has chosen a more american style of living.

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Q: What are some examples of regional boundaries?
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How regional boundaries are different from state boundaries?

Regional boundaries is an area in which places share certain landforms, and State boundaries is a line or natural feature that divides one area from another.

What is some examples of artificial boundaries?

Some examples of artificial boundaries are state borders that do not follow a river or other natural feature, such as the boundary between Oregon and California. Most city and county boundaries are also artificial.

What are some examples artificial boundaries?

a fence, wall, or trench.

What are some examples of boundaries for childrens?

crossing the street is an example!

What are some examples of artificial boundaries?

The line that separates the U.S and Canada!

What are boundaries called that make straight lines and fail to incorporate regional distinctions?

The boundaries that make a straight line and fail to incorporate regional distinctions are called maritime boundaries. These boundaries often move or have been fought over by countries that claim rights to these territorial boundaries.

Regional metamorphism is associated with what boundary?

convergent plate boundaries

How are regional boundaries often determined?


What are some examples of man-made boundaries?

fence,a road,great wall of china

What plate tectonic settings does regional metamorphism occur?

Destructive plate boundaries.

What are some examples of collisions between a continental plate and an oceanic plate?

The Andes mountains of South America and the Cascade Mountains of North America are some examples of a continental-oceanic plate boundaries.

What are some examples of regional labels that reflect changes in perceptions?

Rust belt, Sun belt, Middle East