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The Great London fire of 1666. It burned the majority of the city, including St Paul's Cathedral. Some historians argue it also ended an out break of plague.

The Triangle Shirt-Waist Fire in New York in 1911. Highlighted the problems with management laissez-faire attitude. Many workers (146) were burned alive while other leaped to their death. Often used during workers rights arguments.

The Chicago Fire of 1871. Destroyed four square miles of the city and killing hundreds. The cause is still a mystery.

Peshtigo (WI) Fire of 1871. Occurred in the same day as Chicago fire. Burned 1.2 million acres of forest, 12 small cities and killed approximately 2000 people. Is the number one cause of death by fire in the USA.

Firestorm in Dresden, Germany in 1945. Caused by a USAAF and RAF bombing raid. The bombing used a large number of incendiary bombs that are design to destroy by fire not explosion. This bombing was and still is very controversial. An estimated 25,000 civilians were killed in what was called a 'military target'.

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Q: What are some famous fires?
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What are fires?

Fires are natural disasters they can occur when lightning attacks the trees causing the trees to burn and light. some fires are lit purposely and some are just natural hazards. , it is illegal to purposely light a fire you can even go to jail.

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some fires do not grow in size due to lack of oxygen or fuel (not necessarily gasoline-but it works great)

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