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Ground oyster shells available from feed stores is usually the optimum.

Shrimp shells when available from the kitchen.

Soybean, spinach and nuts of any kind are also high in calcium.

It is often best to just supply a general layer complete feed which will have the optimum nutritional content.

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Q: What are some foods high in calcium to feed chickens?
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How nutrition affect growth and development of the animal?

Nutrition certainly has an important role in the development of bones. First go for feed that contains high calcium. Supplement animals with feed that is rich in calcium. Calcium alone will not help the bones but it has to be accompanied with Vitamin D for proper assimilation. Lack of calcium can cause an animal to be lazy to walk.

What can you feed a rooster?

Roosters, of course, don't lay eggs. Therefore, their calcium requirements are much lower than laying hens. Overdosing with calcium will have predictably deleterious health effects, including kidney disease. Chicken feeds are designed for the poultry industry, where roosters are expendable. Nobody concerns themselves with the longevity or health of the rooster, because it has no effect on profit. Therefore, there is no dedicated rooster feed. Your best bet is a wild game bird feed, which does not include a high calcium content. At Sunnyskies Bird Sanctuary, we use Cochecton Mills Wild Game Feed.

Is cat food good for rabbits?

Rabbit food pellets don't have the correct nutritional balance that a chicken needs. Though they can survive on rabbit food if absolutely necessary, I highly advise against it. It is best to feed chickens a food the is specially formulated for them as rabbit food tends to have too high of a protein content which often make the chicken's feathers coarse, also, rabbit food tends to lack the correct calcium content that is essential in egg production. Granted these are only a couple examples, there are many more things in rabbit food that are not fit to feed chickens. Again, I highly recommend feeding chickens a food formulated for them at all times.

What do you feed 6 laying hens and 1 rooster in the same pen?

Roosters, of course, don't lay eggs. Therefore, their calcium requirements are much lower than laying hens. Overdosing with calcium will have predictably deleterious health effects, including kidney disease. Chicken feeds are designed for the poultry industry, where roosters are expendable. Nobody concerns themselves with the longevity or health of the rooster, because it has no effect on profit. Therefore, there is no dedicated rooster feed. Your best bet is a wild game bird feed, which does not include a high calcium content. At Sunnyskies Bird Sanctuary, we use Cochecton Mills Wild Game Feed.

What not to feed to chickens?

Chickens need a nutritious balanced diet. There are only a few plants they cannot eat so if they are free range let them choose. As a general rule don't offer them anything from your kitchen that you would not eat yourself such as moldy scraps, and rotten veggies. Fresh peelings from everything except potato peel is fine. Most fruit is good but the leaves from Tomato and rhubarb are not. Small bits of meat and fat are welcome. Snack foods high it salt are not safe.

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Chickens can eat anything that humans eat. Beet pulp is high in nutrients and makes an excellent supplement to commercial feed. They will enjoy the variety.

What to feed a chicken?

Baby chicks should be fed a specially formulated chick starter or chick feed. Laying hens need high-protein laying mash supplemented with crushed oyster shells for added calcium. Roosters and meat chickens need a good grain mix, such as broiler feed or chicken scratch. All chickens will do well with some access to grass and bugs as well as produce scraps

Which 2 foods are good for your bones?

Dairy products and any other food high in calcium. Spinach is an example of a vegetable high in calcium.

What foods would be the poorest source of calcium?

Foods that are poor sources of calcium include soda, chips, and candies. These types of foods typically do not contain significant amounts of calcium and may even contribute to lower calcium levels due to high sugar, salt, or caffeine content.

Feed for broiler layer an cattle?

They all get different types of feed. Cattle cannot be fed animal-byproducts of any sort, but chickens can. Layers need to be fed grain that is high in calcium and phosphorus and protein. Broilers are fed feed high in protein and energy to increase muscle mass. CHickens can be fed a variety of grains: barley, corn, wheat, rye, etc. and live off of this with no problems. Cattle can also be fed a variety of grains, but need a roughage diet to balance out the high-protein ration to decrease the incidence of bloat and acidosis. Cattle cannot live off of grain like chickens can, and need to eat grass and/or hay along with the serving of grain they get.

What type of food is best to feed a chicken?

Corn, or scratch grains. Do not feed this in access in the summer; feeding corn and scratch generates body heat which in turn can harm the chickens.

How much should i feed my chickens so they can lay eggs?

The amount of food you should feed your chickens to encourage egg-laying depends on various factors, such as the age and breed of the chickens, their weight, and the quality of the feed. A good starting point is to provide a high-quality, nutritionally balanced commercial feed formulated specifically for laying hens and to follow the feeding instructions on the packaging. As a general rule, a laying hen will require approximately 1/4 to 1/3 pound of feed per day, depending on its size and age. You may also want to provide your chickens with access to clean water and additional sources of calcium, such as crushed eggshells or oyster shells, to support healthy eggshell formation.

What is the thing that has high calcium?

Dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese are high in calcium. Other sources of calcium include leafy green vegetables, tofu, and fortified foods like orange juice and cereals.

Are sweets bad for my Adhd child?

Five foods you should feed to your child who has adhd would be foods rich in vitamin B, fatty acids, protein, calcium/magnesium and trace minerals. Foods that you should avoid feeding your child who has adhd would be food high in sugar, additives, hydrogenated oils, caffine and salt.

Are there foods that help grow bones.?

Foods high in Calcium are good for bone growth. Canned salmon, custard and cheese are good choices.

Why do you think nutrition experts recommend that young people eat foods high in calcium?

Nutrition experts recommend foods high in calcium to support healthy bone development and growth during youth. Calcium is essential for building strong bones and teeth, and young people need adequate intake to prevent conditions like osteoporosis later in life.