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Presumably you mean Democracy rather than Demagogues.

Aristotle's primary classifications were Monarchy (rule by one), Aristocracy (rule by the best) and Democracy (people power).

He said that they degraded respectively into Tyranny (usurping ruler), Oligarchy (rule by the few) and Ochlocracy (mob power).


Monarchy: Solon of Athens (594-574); Tonga (current)

Tyranny: Peisistratos of Athens (545-527 BCE); Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe (current)

Aristocracy: Areopagus in Athens (479-460 BCE); San Marino (current)

Oligarchy: The 400 in Athens 411 BCE; Saudi Arabia (current)

Democracy: Athens second half 5th C BCE; New Zealand (current)

Ochlocracy: Corcyra 427 BCE; Rwanda 1994 CE

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Q: What are some forms of government similar to Tyranny Oligarchy and Demagogues from Aristotle's time til today?
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