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It may be illegal to even disseminate this information as the one who recommends such a poison can be implicated in aiding and abetting a crime, namely murder.

However there are virtually none as medical examination and toxicology are well developed sciences. Most likely it is a poison that shows few or no strange symptoms but which also breaks down post-mortem.

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Q: What are some intraceable poisons used to kill?
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Can rat poison kill a pigeon?

Yes, the commonly used poisons for rats and mice will kill raccoons. Raccoons can also die from eating a dead rat or mouse that was killed with poisons.

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It can kill more insects than you need to. It can be sprayed or dusted on the leaves to keep beetles and grasshoppers from eating them but overuse will kill the leaves. It can be used on the ground and on the stalks of the plants to kill pill bugs and cutworms but this will also kill the worms and possibly the bacteria that the plant needs in the soil. You should not use any poisons when the plant has blooms on it as this will kill the pollenators that the plant needs to propagate. For some pests, its best to just pick them off by hand and kill them, such as catepillars and hookworms, also known as the tobacco worm. Most poisons that are used like malathion and sevin dust are water soluable and can be washed off of the beans or tomatoes with plain cold water.

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Shakespeare is a person not a play

How are echinoderms being used for resear ch?

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