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Glycemic foods raise a person's blood sugar levels after consumption. Different foods can have very different effects in terms of blood sugar. Foods such fruit, vegetables, cereals, pasta, soups, breads and potatoes are more healthy and provide slower and longer energy release. These are low glycemic foods. Glycemic Index Charts are widely available, which show the GI value of different foods.

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11y ago
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13y ago

Low glycemic foods include oatmeal- porridge, low sugar high fiber cereals, vegetables except for corn, carrots, potatoes (sweet potatoes are lower in GI), most fruits (low to medium GI), al dente pasta, legumes (beans, chick peas, lentils), dairy products (stick to low fat yogurt, milk and cheese), basmati and brown rice and nuts.

High glycemic foods include desserts, candies, high sugar low fiber breakfast cereals (interestingly enough, most cereals are in this category!), potatoes, corn, carrots, honey, white bread, rice cakes, corn chips and any kind of processed or instant foods.

• All bran cereal

• Apple

• Apple juice

• Apricots

• Asparagus

• Avocado

• Baked beans

• Banana- unripe

• Banana bread

• Barley

• Basmati rice

• Breakfast cereals- low sugar

• Broccoli

• Buckwheat

• Bulgur

• Butter beans

• Cabbage- red

• Carrots- boiled

• Cashew nuts

• Cauliflower

• Celery

And more on the attached link- in alphabetical order.

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13y ago

There are many foods that can be considered "low glycemic foods" but it is best to locate a glycemic index. Some of the more common (and popular) low glycemic foods include cherries, grapefruit, broccoli, lettuce, mushrooms, egg fettuccini, sourdough bread, chickpeas, kidney beans, and lentils.

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11y ago

Many foods have a low Glycemic Index. Dairy products, such as milk and yogurt, tend to have low GI values, as do beans. In general however, avoiding foods such as breads and pasta work for a low GI diet.

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11y ago

A low glycemic food typically includes low glucose, or in layman terms less sugar. A good way to prevent large amounts of sugar intake is to eat a more healthy diet consisting of vegetables, fruit and red meat.

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12y ago

Losing weight and maintaining successful results is a struggle for a lot of people. Consuming foods with a low glycemic index can help remove unwanted pounds and reduce health risks. The primary goal of the low-gi diet is to consume healthy carbohydrates, which stabilizes glucose levels and reduces food cravings. It is important to use the science behind the diet and common sense to create a diverse meal plan for weight loss success. Choose low glycemic index foods such as whole-grain breads and pastas and low-fat dairy over high glycemic index foods such as white breads, rice and pastas. Combine appropriately-portioned low-gi foods with a lean protein and vegetable for a balanced meal.

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What are examples of low glycemic foods?

There are many foods that can be considered "low glycemic foods" but it is best to locate a glycemic index. Some of the more common (and popular) low glycemic foods include cherries, grapefruit, broccoli, lettuce, mushrooms, egg fettuccini, sourdough bread, chickpeas, kidney beans, and lentils.

What are some examples of low glycemic index foods?

Some examples of low glycemic index foods are any kind of fruit, canned foods, pure unsweetened fruit juices, vegetables, salads, and bottled salad dressings.

How do low glycemic foods help your health?

Low glycemic index foods have a lot of nutrition but not a lot of sugar that will increase your blood glucose.

Is low glycemic and low carb the same?

No. Low glycemic foods have carbohydrates which takes longer for the body to fully digest on an empty stomach. Low carbohydrate foods are foods which are low in carbohydrates, doesn't matter whether they're absorbed fast or slowly.

Can eating low glycemic foods help me lose weight?

Eating low glycemic foods will definitely help you to lose weight. The sugar in foods, be in natural or artificial, significantly adds to fat storage.

Could you inform me about low glycemic index foods?

Low Glycemic Index Foods are bakery products and bread some examples are: banana cakes with or without sugar and sponge cake plain and hamburger rolls and white wheat flour bread.

Does Foods containing high amounts of refined sugars have a low glycemic index?

No. Foods with high refined sugar amounts have a high glycemic index.

What is the low glycemic diet and is it healthy?

The glycemic diet focuses on eating foods with low glycemic indexes. This type of diet can help control insulin levels, heart conditions, and cause weight loss. The low glycemic fodds are easier to digest in your body.

What are the best recipes for a low glycemic diet?

If you are going for a low glycemic diet that means you are going to have to watch out what type of foods you eat in order to control your high blood pressure. Some foods that you can eat are all bran cereals or bread, also some fruits that are good for you are cherries, plums and grapefruits.

Glycemic impact diet recipes: A brief outline?

The glycemic diet involves the consumption of foods that contain low levels of glycemic. On a scale of one to one hundred, low glycemic foods score below than fifty five. Foods that comprise of carbohydrates which easily break down quickly get a higher glycemic rating. The foods that contain low glycemic levels are usually healthier and recommended especially for those suffering from diabetes.Since the low glycemic foods have a progressive effect on the level of blood sugar, they are perfect for those suffering from hypoglycemia, obesity and diabetes. Obesity has become a menace in the United States and hence a lot of focus is being laid on the low glycemic kind of foods. Even the World Health Organization is advising people to consume this kind of foods.The types of low glycemic foodsMany product labels are providing listings of the GI scores. However, it is quite easy to identify foods that have got low glycemic levels. Usually, the foods that contain low levels of carbohydrates and simple kind of sugars form part of the glycemic foods recipe. Some good examples of such foods are inclusive of broccoli, cucumber, green beans, cherries, peppers, grapefruit, eggplant, soymilk, peanuts, tomatoes, barley, celery, all fruits, all vegetables and lima beans.The impactGenerally, people will have a different response to foods that contain low glycemic. This discrepancy can be attributed to the fact that there is a difference of the rate of metabolism of each individual. Other factors also come in to play such as one's age, activity rate and insulin levels. As much as the low glycemic foods release glucose slowly in to the blood, the stability of the carbohydrate breakdown is not quite consistent. Some of the factors that have an impact on the glycemic value in the food are inclusive of protein and fat content, the level of food processing done and the particular carbohydrate structure. When one eats a wide variety of foods in one sitting, the foods glycemic levels can be affected. This leads to a different reaction of a food consumed independently as compared to one that is eaten alongside others. Loosing weight is made easier while consuming foods that belong to the glycemic recipe.

What are some foods that have glucose in it?

Because foods with high sugar are not considered "best" foods for diabetic people, foods with low carbs and sugars, along with high amounts of fiber, are usually the best foods of glycemic food lists.

What does glycemic index measure?

The Glycemic Index is a measure of how quickly carbohydrates in the foods you eat are absorbed into the bloodstream and raise your blood sugar levels. Pure glucose (sugar) has a Glycemic Index of 100, and other foods are given their Glycemic Index ratings accordingly. Eating foods with low Glycemic Indices can help lower blood sugar, resulting in weight loss and lowered risk of diabetes and heart disease.