

What are some of the causes of brain tumors?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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Well there are two types of brain tumors: benign (tumor takes space in the brain and presses against it) or malignant (tumor that spreads and destroys surrounding cells). Like most tumors, the cells in the brain would be mutated and there cell cycle disturbed. These anormal cells will multiply making copies of themselves (by mitosis), therefore they will soon start to take some space. You could have meningioma (tumor of the cells of the meninges), gliomas (most common and serious tumor that spreads), astrocytoma (tumor of the astrocytes in the brain), etc... The beginning of the tumor can really be caused by anything environmental (such as what you eat) or even genetics (any family member had it), but we do not know more than that. For example, in skin cancer, we know one factor can be the sun exposure (because of UV rays which will mutate the skin cells). A good way to prevent brain tumors will be to take anti-oxydants in your died because free radicals (wastes of your brain) can be dangerous to the brain cells.

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