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Strengths: You're human and can think about survival. Weaknesses: You're human and can die.

Students can analyse their strengths and weaknesses by taking the Multiple Natures Test. This personality/aptitude test clearly highlights your unique abilities.

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Q: What are some of the strength and weaknesses in a human being?
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What are some strengths and weaknesses of writing?

A strength in writing is a good vocabulary. Also people should be articulate when writing. Some weaknesses are bad spelling, incorrect grammar, abrupt end and being too wordy.

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Some weaknesses of human resource management include the fact that people change and that people will behave differently when they know they are being observed. It is difficult to manage people who have vast motivations for what they do.

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A weakness of an on the job trainee would be not being familiar with how things are run. A strength would be getting hands on experience. You get to see an example of the work and then have some watching you while you get the hang of it.

Why are weaknesses strengths and strengths weaknesses?

What constitutes a strength or a weakness is subject to criteria (i.e.) you have to hold some standard to determine it). Nothing is purely free, so every action has some sort of cost, or consequence. When people assess a 'strength', there is inevitably some cost to it (so, subject to the criteria, the benefit is the 'strength' and the cost is the 'weakness'). Since people primarily do actions to benefit themselves, everything has a strength and a weakness. By depending on a certain strength, you are exposed to the cost and risk of using it. By being weak, you are not dependent on the source of strength and thus its costs.

What are some strength and weaknesses of a solar car?

they are fast if u have enough solar energy

What are common employee weaknesses?

Employee weaknesses include dishonesty and not being reliable. Employees who are not friendly with customers and who do not smile are also weaknesses that some people have.

What are the strength and weaknesses of the Philippine educational system today?

The strength of Philippine educational system today is that it integrates cultural values to the learning system. As for the weaknesses, the system is somewhat to demanding for the students and entails some courses that are not essential to the learners.

What are the strength and weaknesses in the Philippine government?

The strength of the Philippine government is that it is a democratic form of government which allows for public participation. Poor funding and corruption are some of the weakness of the Philippine government.

What are some strengths and weaknesses of diabetes?

a strength of diabetes is that you caqnt have sugar so you wont get fat:) and a weakness is that you can't have a lollipop anymore:(

What is a good closing paragraph on my weaknesses and strength in writing?

You first write some of you strengths, you then write out your weaknesses, and then you counteract those weaknesses with your greatest strengths.