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Polyvore and avenue7 are really good ones. If you sign up for avenue7, im Penny P and if u sign up tell me and i will give you my email or you can give me urs to look me up on there so we can be friends! If you sign up on polyvore my member name is srufen. I have added the links below

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Q: What are some outfit making websites?
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What are some websites that give instructions for making handmade doll clothing?

There are several websites that give instructions for making handmade doll clothing. These websites include Martha Stewart Sewing Projects and Oh Sew Dollin.

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There are a number of websites which provide information about making a car donation in California. Some of these websites include Wheels for Wishes, and 800 Charity Cars.

What is outfit?

An outfit is a complement of clothing, footwear and accessories that is on your body. It is more personal, and the wearer is an integral part of the whole. Their hair, complexion and body all participate in making a great outfit.

Does Adam ant have a police record?

Yes. He was arrested for waving a gun to people in a pub for making fun of his outfit and he caused some property damage.

What are some reliable money making websites?

There are many websites that have reliable money making opportunities. Some of the more popular sites include: Valued Opinions, Toluna, One Poll, Panelbase, Mindmover, Rewarded Opinions and Inbox Pounds.