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Because it's usually easier to understand. Johnny went home and flopped into bed, but before that he got in the car. That morning he was going to the beach, and he was making sandcastles. He was so tired, but he'd had so much fun making sandcastles. Before that he'd gone swimming. ^ That is poorly written and you have to really concentrate on it to work out the sequence of Johnny's day. Johnny woke up excited. He was going to the beach! He had a swim, and then made sandcastles. He got in the car to go home and flopped into bed. He was very tired, but he'd had so much fun!

^ More concise, easier to understand, better written, better grammar, and the accepted way of writing things to boot. ANSWER: The first reason for chronological order is beginnings. With every thing in this universe it started with the beginning. The second reason for chronological order is to list what follows the beginning.

The third reason for chronological order is to categorize all that's listed. That which began is listed first and that in the middle is what followed that which followed the beginning which leads us to;

The fourth reason for chronological order is to work your way towards an end. ==Another Answer== Chronological order allows us to study and understand anything that has occurred in time. Arranging events in the correct sequence allows an understanding of what happened, why it happened, how it happened, how we can avoid it happening again and how we can make it happen again if it was good. Chronology is important in understanding how a problem developed, how a disaster occurred, how it was managed, how a system evolved, how something successful developed into a success, and how discoveries lead to new discoveries. It helps track diseases and find cures. It helps to understand history, solve a crime, chart growth and decay and track changes of all sorts of things that affect us and the world we live in. It may be the most valuable system of record-keeping that was ever developed.

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9y ago

Chronological order is important in an explanatory paragraph mostly because it makes it easier for the reader to understand. When trying to explain a series of events, it makes more sense and makes the paragraph easier to follow if the events are described in the order in which they happened.

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12y ago

The Battle of Marathon was earlier than the Battle of Salamis: the first was in 490BC, the second was in 480 BC. But, the fall of Rome was earlier than the fall of Constantinople (the first was in 476AD, the second was in 1453AD) The four events in chronological order: The Battle of Marathon, the Battle of Salamis, the fall of Rome, the fall of Constantinople. In the period before Christ (BC), the earlier the event, the bigger the number. In the period after the birth of Christ (AD), the later the event , the bigger the number.

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11y ago

If you don't follow directions in the right order, you won't be able to complete whatever they're telling you to do properly.

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What is non-chronolgical?

When something is in "chronological order", it means it is in order of time. For example, a story might be told in chronological order - explaining the events in the order they happened. "Non-chronological", of course, means that some things are told in a different order.

What is it called when you put events in order in which they happened?

Answer this question… chronological thinking.

How can chronological be used in a sentence?

Chronological means in the correct order of time. Therefore, you could use a sentence such as: 'List the events in chronological order.' or 'The information was in the form of a chronological timeline' though in the second example it is largely unnessecary, some people like to use big words to make themselves look better :)

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Chronological order would be I, II, III, IV if you are referring to those numbers. If you mean events as listed in some book, then we have no way of knowing.

Use the word chronologist in a sentence?

The chronologist studied ancient civilizations to accurately date historical events.

Does an autobiography have to be in chronological order?

No, an autobiography does not have to be in chronological order. Some autobiographies may be structured thematically or focus on key events rather than following a strict chronological sequence. What matters most is that the narrative is engaging and provides insight into the author's life.

What are some words to use when writing in chronological order?

You can number the sentences if you want to, but you usually don't. Numbering makes it into an outline instead of a paragraph. Just write the sentences down in the order in which they happened, and you will have a good chronological order!

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It encourages hydration.

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It puts the events in a chronological order, which some people use as a method to try to understand what happened.

What are some examples of time order in your writing?

Some examples of time order in writing include using chronological order to describe a sequence of events in the order they occurred, using time expressions like "first," "next," "then," and "finally" to organize ideas in a logical time sequence, and incorporating flashbacks or flash-forwards to provide context or insight into past or future events.

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It depends what you mean by displaced. If you mean why is the order of events different to the preceding Gospels, it is because John is not arranged in chronological order but thematically.

Is a memoir told in chronological order?

Not necessarily. While some memoirs are told in chronological order, others may use flashbacks or a non-linear structure to emphasize themes or highlight specific events in the author's life. The choice of structure depends on the author's storytelling style and the narrative they want to convey.