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Give them some lettuce with quite a few sprays of water (keep them wet).

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Q: What are some simple recipes to make to feed to mystery snails?
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Snails can feed on lettece can they also feed on cerlery can you feed cerlery to snails?

It is not advised to feed celery to snails as it's been known to kill them.

Do apple snails eat small snails?

Apple Snails will eat other snails if you don't feed them. If you feed them, then they are alright.

What kind of food the snail eat?

I have 8 mystery snails and I was told to feed them roman lettuce. You must always rinse the lettuce before putting in your tank. My snails will also eat flake food and plants.

Are mystery snails edible for human consumption?

Looking online suggests that both Chinese Mystery Snails and Banded Mystery Snails are edible. Both are invasive where I live and I recently grabbed a few to eat. A word of caution, all wild caught snails must be kept for a few days (3-8) with constant changing of their water, tap water will do, to rid them of any toxins they picked up. Feed them oatmeal, cornmeal, or lettuce to get the mud they have been previously been feeding on out of their systems.

Are apple snails and mystery snails the same and will they mate with each other?

AnswerHey there, as far as i know they wont interbreed. All i have to say is make sure u have cover glasses coz those buggers can crawl out of ur tank pretty fast hahaha. :o) Catch mate.a shellApple snails and mystery snails are different. Apple snails get to be softball size while mystery snails stay smaller. I have an apple snail and an ivory mystery snail, my ivory is a female and I just saw the apple snail mating with her. She has just previously laid two clutches of eggs from my blue mystery snail that has just recently died and the eggs have not hatched yet so I am curious to see if the apple snail will fertilize her or not. I have tried to do research to see if they can even breed or not and have not found anything useful.

What do egrets feed baby egrets?

They feed them snails, and lizards.

Species of snails that feed on algae?

All snails that I know of eat algae.

What do gold mystery snails eat?

mostly algae but to treat them you can give them shrimp pellets

What happens if you feed snails candy?

They won't eat it...

What do a snail feed on?

snails eat algae and aquatic plants

How do you stop goldfish eating snails?

feed it more often

What tongue shaped structure do snails use to feed?
