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Q: What are ten most famous and popular symbols in world not like coca cola sign or some other famous logos but like historic symbols for example swastika peace sign cross etc?
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A swastika

What Christian symbols represent new life?

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What are the symbols for the creation in Hindu art?

Symbol of Hinduism is aum symbol and swastika symbol. These both symbols represent core belief of Hinduism.

What is nazi flag?

The Nazis had many seals and emblems, however the most common is the swastika, which is essentially a perverted version of the Budhist solar cross. Hitler was an occult fanatic, and many of the symbols used by the Nazis can be traced back to occult or religious symbols.

What is the symbols of hindonism?

Some of the symbols of Hinduism include the Om symbol, the lotus flower, the swastika, and various deities like Ganesha and Shiva. These symbols represent different aspects of Hindu beliefs, rituals, and values.

What is the real name of the nazi symbol?

Swastika, It is actually an old symbol: present in some Indian Tribes, and Runes. It is put on Nazi flags and armbands that Nazi officers wore during world war 2.

What symbols represent power?

The swastika is an equilateral cross with its arms bent at right angles, in either right-facing form or its mirrored left-facing form. It comes from acient times and the Chinese used it before Hitler and the Nazi party in Germany. The swastika and other sun symbols, it represents power and supremacy.

What is the symbolic meaning of the cross in Japan?

Cross as seen in Europe was not a very popular symbol in Japan. There was a solar cross, there was also solar (at least initially) swastika and all symbols related to it but straight cross is fairly uncommon, as far as I know.

What is the Hindu symbol called?

there are a couple of symbols in Hindu mythology..the main 2 being "om" which resembles 3 and the other one called "swastika" which is d same as that of Hitler's army..

What is symbolophobia?

Symbolophobia is a fear that someone's speech may contain a symbolic meaning. It can also be a fear of symbols, such as the infinity symbol or a swastika.

What does this quote mean a person gets from a symbol the meaning put into it?

It means that symbols have no meaning in themselves, but we attach a certain meaning to it. For example, if you never saw the $ symbol, you would have no idea what it meant. But since we, as a society, attach the word dollar to the $ symbol, $ means dollars. Another example- the swastika. There are many meanings of the swastika symbol. In ancient India and China, the swastika was a symbol for peace. Hitler used the symbol on the flag of one of the most hateful and violent regimes ever. So there can be different meanings for a symbol depending on a culture's frame of reference. Good question.

What is the most important symbol for Buddhism?

Buddhism has no official symbols. However, some kinds of Buddhist practitioners have found certain symbols useful. For example, the only symbol in Zen Buddhism is the enso, which is a circle. .