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The first ten amendments to the constitution are known as the Bill of Rights. These amendments were ratified on December 15, 1791.

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the first ten amendments are known as the bill of rights

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the bill of rights

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Q: What are the 10 amendment to the Constitution known as?
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Amendment 18 was known by this name: prohibition.

What do you call changes to the constitution?

In the US, changes made to the US Constitution are called Amendments. Excluding the 10 amendments of the Bill of Rights, the most important one can be the 13th amendment which abolished slavery in the USA.

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Minor alteration made in constitution are known as amendments.

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Amendment means to make certain changes in a bill, law or constitution. But it is famously known for adding, removing & making changes in a constitution.

What are the parts on the bill of rights on the constitution?

amendment 1-10

What is a change to the united states constitution called?

A change to the United States Constitution is called an amendment. This can be the addition, removal, or updating to a part of the Constitution.

A change or addition to the constitution is called?

Changes or additions to the Constitution are called amendments. The current version of the Constitution has twenty-seven amendments, including the first ten collectively known as the Bill of Rights.

Is the 14th amendment in the Declaration of Independence?

No. It is an amendment to the U.S. Constitution (1865), known generally as the "equal protection clause".

What do we call a change to the Constitution?

the change of the Constitution is an amendment

What is the name used for the 10 amendment to the US Constitution?

The Bills of Rights

What did the reserved power clause do?

The Reserved powers clause of the Constitution provides that the states have the authority to create their own laws and constitutions. The Reserved powers clause is contained in the 10 amendment of the US Constitution.

Which part of the Constitution has been used to incorporate?

14th amendment originating from the civil war also known as the reconstruction amendment