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Anything that has to be imported from another file; such as text, pictures, video, and flash or javascript components. The tag indicates the location of the source to be imported.


src="file.jpg" width="200" height="250" border="0" alt="title" />

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Q: What are the HTML tags that have src attribute?
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What is the fullform of src in HTML?

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Which attribute specifies the name of the image to display in HTML?

There is an attribute which defines the name of the image to be displayed. The attribute is called as ALT or alternate.

What are the different kinds of HTML tags attribute?

HTML is a markup language, thus has a number of tags. Some very common tags are <p>,<a><body> etc.

What is differences between tags and attribute?

A tag is a declaration of a HTML object whereas an Attribute is a property of an object.

How do you add image to my HTML?

simply use the <img> tag... include the src attribute and link it to the images URL like so: <img src=""> you should also include the <alt> attribute to make your code perfect: <img src="........" alt=".....">

Is true In HTML the general syntax for inline image is srcimage?

We use the img tag with the src attribute, like this:

How do you get emage HTML?

the tag is used to insert images. It is an empty element that only has attributes. Two attributes are required for the element: the src attribute and the alt attribute. The src attribute specifies the path of the image file. The alt attribute specifies an alternative text for the image, if the image is unavailable. The syntax for the tag is as follows: To know more check out the cronj IT site.

What is an example of HTML?

Attribute refers to the properties of the HTML elements. For example the element <IMG> is used to display images in a HTML page. This tag has certain attributes like height, width, src etc which specify the properties of the element.

How do you do HTML anchor?

The tag for an anchor is just 'a' Anchor tags usually have an href attribute, and often a name and/or target as well.

What is the name of the additional information placed inside a tag that controls how the tag is used?

The information contained within the opening portion of an HTML tag that controls various attributes of the tag is called the tags "attributes."Attributes follow the format attribute="value" and are added to the tag after it's opening. For instance:In this case, the image tag has two attributes, the src attribute and the alt attribute. The values of those attributes are "a.png" and "A" respectively.

What are HTML tages?

HTML tags are the predefined tags that are embedded within the "<>". Each HTML tags has the following attributes and operations.

Input elements uses the SRC attribute?
