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Q: What are the adaptation in animals and plants?
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What kind of adaptation are thorns?

Thorns are a defensive adaptation of plants against being eaten by grazing animals.

What are some examples of adaptation of animals and plants?

The ability to produce their own food.

How do plants and animals survive in the ocean?

They posses adaptation feature to the marine habitat.

The Intraction of plants and animals with their Non-living environment is called an?

Adaptation The study of adaptations is Ecology.

What adaptation do plants and animals have in common?

plants and animal adaptations are common because they all live in some sort of habitat where they can survive

What is the only evidence you have to support evolution?

Better features, thus involving better adaptation to the environment, for plants and animals.

How would you describe adaptation?

Adaptation describes the ability of plants and animals to survive to a changing environment. Those unable to adapt will die-out and become extinct. A trait that is beneficial to survival

What animal or palnt uses the adaptation system?

Adaptations are necessary for animals whose living conditions might change. In general, all animals and plants are adapted to their environment.

What are example sentences of adaptation?

The adaptation of dandelions to North America was a mistake.He wrote an adaptation of King Lear.

What is micro-adaptation and macro-adaptation?

A micro adaptation is an adaptation that is a quite small one and does not make it unique from other animals. It is not very important. A macro adaptation is a quite large adaptation and makes it very unique from other animals. It is important.