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Kosher is the title given to foods that have been handled and processed according to the Mosaic law passed down the generations from when God spoke to Moses. The kosher process is detailed and, depending on the rabbinical tradition followed, can be very strict as well.

Within the United States and most western countries, there are not significant differences between kosher and non-kosher foods because there are strong food safety and inspection laws within these countries. In developing countries where refrigeration and cold storage may not be available, the kosher process provides some additional security that the food is safe because meat products are stripped of as much blood as possible then caked and stored in salt for a specified amount of time. The salting process, in particular, is a very effective anti-microbial intervention that should kill the vast majority of pathogens on the surface of the meat.

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Q: What are the advantages of eating kosher food?
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Related questions

What are the disadvantages of eating kosher food?

There are no health disadvantages of only eating Kosher food, though going to a social event with only non-Kosher food would be difficult.

How does keeping kosher change the act of eating to something special?

It doesn't. Kosher food is "cleaner" and the food itself is equally delicious.

Do Hindus eat kosher food?

kosher food is a Jewish concept. However, Hindus (and anyone) who eat STRICT vegetarian (the food can't even touch utensils that have touched meat), are by definition also eating kosher food.

What is eating kosher?

It means eating kosher foods.

How is eating kosher an example of folk food customs?

No. It's a religious custom.

What do you mean you talk about kosher foods?

The word kosher means 'fit'. When describing food as kosher, this means that the food in question is considered fit for eating by religiously observant Jews. Many people believe that food is made kosher when a Rabbi blesses it, however, this is false. In order for food to be kosher, the food has to be prepared following the laws of kashrut. Food that is not prepared following these laws cannot be made kosher after the fact.

Who eats kosher foods?

Anyone can eat kosher food. However, kashrut is a part of Judaism and religiously observant Jews will only eat kosher food. Kosher food is food prepared in accordance with Jewish Dietary Law. Many products sold in stores are certified kosher, so many times you will be eating kosher food without realising it. Kosher products are marked with a symbol that is associated with the organisation that provided the kashrut certification.

How many non Jewish people buy kosher food?

Kosher food is not like a specific food. It is not like Hamburgers or anything. SOme foods are kosher and others aren't. Since most people eat all types of food, you can't really avoid eating kosher food.

Why did Daniel object to eating the king's food?

It wasn't kosher & was offered to false gods.

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The advantages of eating Italian food is that they cook with healthy ingredients that we need such as olive oil, tomatoes, garlic, whole grains and beans.

What are three major rituals in Judaism?

1) Reciting the "Shema" prayer 2) Celebrating the Passover Seder 3) Keeping kosher (eating kosher food)