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Some people claim it helps gout.

I use RAW apple cider vinegar and I use it with my dogs, which I find it beneficial* to my health, and the health of my dogs. ACV is normally diluted with water; the strength of its acidity is usually cut by half, but in some cases the strength may be reduced even more. Ingesting ACV at full-strength can cause harm the enamel of one's teeth and/or its acidity may irritate the stomach.

Below are the two most common ORAL Apple Cider Vinegar recipes/mixtures:

Mix 2 tablespoons of organic "raw" apple cider vinegar, with 1 tablespoon of raw honey, with an 8 ounce glass of water. You can drink this hot, warm or cold with meals; 2 - 3 times daily.

Mix 2 tablespoon of (preferably organic and unfiltered), with an 8 ounce glass of apple juice (preferably organic and unfiltered). You can drink this hot, warm or cold with meals; 2 - 3 times daily.

If you are going to ingest apple cider vinegar, always test by starting with less. Try it out, see if it upsets you stomach. If it upsets your stomach, you may need to use less or not at all. Once you have tested it use, you can use it more often, but I would not suggest that you ingest more than 2 tablespoons at a time. You can drink more than 3 times daily; but increase slowly, starting at 4, then maybe 5; but I would not suggest more than 6 times daily.

(Honey and apple juice are natural sweetens, they neutralize the tartness of the vinegar's acid; when ingesting apple cider vinegar it may take a few days for its effects to register. When using apple cider vinegar topically, there may be immediate results; ACV can relieve itching, pain, or remove offensive odors, clean and much, much more.)

The following are recipes/mixtures are for TOPICAL use:

BATH: You can add 2 tablespoon to 1 cup of ACV to bath water. (Avoid hot water which can make many of the symptoms that you are trying to treat worse.)

DROPS, SPRAYS and SQUIRT BOTTLES: 1) THIRDS - This mixture is broken down into thirds. First, prepare a strong green tea (2-3 tea bags per cup of boiling water, allow set overnight, (scrub you hands) squeeze ALL remaining tea from tea bags. Do NOT at vinegar to hot water or hot tea, allow it to cool. When mixing you can mix 1/3 strong green tea, 1/3 distilled or boiled water and 1/3 ACV. 1w/o) If you want a stronger version, of the THIRDS above, use it without "w/o" the extra water, mix it using OLNY the strong tea and the apple cider vinegar. 3) Half & Half - A mixture of one-half ACV and one-half distilled or boiled water. The amount you make depends on the amount you need.

ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS WHEN MAKING ANY OF THESE RECIPES: Always work with clean hands, they will prevent contamination to your mixture. If making a LARGE amount, store the excess in the refrigerator until use. Because you need to use your mixture at room temperature, you should use small 3-4 ounce spray bottles, ½ - 1 ounce dropper bottles, or 2-4 squirt bottles; this will help prevent spoilage. If there is any sign of spoilage, dispose of the mixture. If you are using boiled water rather than distilled water in your recipes/mixtures, do not add the vinegar until the water has cooled; the heat will destroy the vinegar's natural bacteria.

There are conflicting articles and reports that indicate that APPLE CIDER VINEGAR has positive benefit OR that it is of no benefit at all. This makes it difficult to determine what is true or how beneficial* apple cider vinegar may or may not be. However, as I stated above, I use ACV myself and to treat my dogs and I have found it beneficial.

I strongly believe that RAW apple cider vinegar (ACV) has true benefit, in health care. Raw apple cider vinegar contains minerals, antioxidants, and a number of vitamins. The vitamins and minerals, which are passed on from apples to vinegar; the vitamins are Vitamin A/Beta Carotene aka. Retinol; B1/Thiamine; B2/Riboflavin; B3/Niacin aka. Nicotinic Acid; B5/Pantothenic Acid; B6/Pyridoxine; B9/Folacin aka. Folate Acid; C/Ascorbic Acid; D/Cholecalciferol aka. Calcitriol; E/Tocopherol; "F"/ EFA's (essential fatty acid); "H"/Biotin; K1/Phylloquinone; and "P"/Bioflavonoid. The minerals are Calcium; Copper; Iron; Manganese; Magnesium; Potassium; Sodium; and Zinc.

There are a number of articles listing the benefits of the vitamins and minerals in RAW apple cider vinegar. The vitamins and minerals that are found in apples transfer "alive" into vinegar, even during the fermentation process; however they only remain "alive" as long as the vinegar remains unpasteurized. However, the value of vitamins and minerals are limited, the truth is that we do not/cannot ingest vinegar, as we do apples. If we were to ingest vinegar in the same amount, and equal to the amount found in apples; we would have to ingest a very large amount of vinegar to obtain the same nutritional value. The true benefit of RAW (unpasteurized) apple cider vinegar is NOT in its vitamins and minerals, but in its natural bacteria; this is NOT to say that the vitamins and minerals in ACV are valueless.

If you use ACV on yourself or on your dog and you see NO improvement or benefit after a few weeks; OR if symptoms worsen, you should see your doctor or veterinarian for further suggestions and/or treatment.

HEALTH - Apple cider vinegar (ACV) helps treat and prevent a number of health issues:

It is said to promote health by assisting in WEIGHT LOSS; it boosts the metabolism. Mix 1 teaspoon of ACV, in an 8 ounce glass of water, and drink before meals; AVOID the use honey, sugar or apple juice if you are trying to lose weight (the excess calories are not needed). DISCUSS with your doctor your any diet plan (including the addition of ACV to your diet), before you start a diet.

It is also said to control and balance high CHOLESTEROL (they say it melts cholesterol). Mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar, in an 8 ounce glass of water, and drink before each meal. (If you are not on a restricted carbohydrate diet, you may add honey to the mixture OR use apple juice rather than water.) DISCUSS using ACV to treat high cholesterol with your doctor, ask your doctor about using honey or apple juice with ACV. DO NOT use ACV to replace your cholesterol medication, unless your doctor suggests that you do so.

It is also said that ACV will help Diabetes by affecting blood glucose levels, thereby balancing blood sugar. Mix 1 teaspoon of vinegar, in an 8 ounce glass of water, and drink before each meal; DO NOT use honey, sugar or apple juice when using ACV to treat diabetes. Excess sugar, natural or otherwise can worsen your condition. DISCUSS with your doctor before adding ACV to your diet. DO NOT replace your diabetic medication or insulin with ACV.

It is also said to treat and prevent GOUT, mix 1 tablespoon of raw honey, and add to an 8 ounce glass of water OR add 1-2 teaspoons of ACV to an 8 ounce glass of apple juice and drink 2 - 3 times daily. If you have gout and it does not improve or worsen seek medical attention.

ACV also helps to prevent YEAST INFECTIONS by balancing the body's Ph level; especially after taking antibiotics. Mix 2 tablespoons of ACV, with 1 tablespoon of raw honey, and add to an 8 ounce glass of water OR add 2 tablespoon of ACV to an 8 ounce glass of apple juice.

ACV can also be used as a douche to treat a female VAGINAL YEAST INFECTION by destroying the harmful bacteria which caused the infection, with a healthy bacterium. Combine 1 - 2 tablespoons of ACV with 1 cup water and fallow the general instructions for using a douche. If symptoms worsen, seek medical attention.

ACV can be used to treat an EAR YEAST INFECTION, use the Half & Half mixture as described above. The amount you make is not important, since any extra can be used to treat other conditions later. To use, place a drop or two in the affected ear, allow it to remain inside the ear for 5 minutes, than use a cotton ball, pushing it into the ear as far as possible to soak up the excess moisture, remove the cotton ball from the ear. Repeat once daily for 7 - 10 days, or until the symptoms clear. If your symptoms worsen, if there is blood, pain, or excessive discharge, or if the itching becomes unbearable, seek medical attention.

ACV can help you INCREASE ENERGY because it increases your metabolism; mix 1 -2 teaspoons of ACV, with 1 tablespoon of raw honey, and add to an 8 ounce glass of water OR add 1-2 teaspoons of ACV to an 8 ounce glass of apple juice and drink 2 - 3 times daily.

ACV helps to CLEANSE and DETOXIFY the blood; it helps the body fight-off illnesses while it boosts the immune system. Mix 1 - 2 tablespoons of ACV, with 1 tablespoon of raw honey, and add to an 8 ounce glass of water OR add 1 - 2 tablespoon of ACV to an 8 ounce glass of apple juice, and drink 2 - 3 times daily.

ACV is a natural ANTISEPTIC that can be used to treat CUTS and ABRASIONS; its natural bacteria help to kill germs and other harmful bacteria which can cause infection. Mix 1 - 2 tablespoons with 1 cup of water, use the mixture to cleanse the affected area.

ACV is a NATURAL ANTIBIOTIC, which can be used to treat and control minor skin infections. Mix 1 - 2 tablespoons with 1 cup of water, use the mixture to wash and cleanse the area.

You can also use a mild mixture of ACV as a MOUTHWASH or THROAT RINSE. Mix 1 teaspoon of ACV and 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 1 cup of warm water, use this mixture to rise out your mouth or to gargle with. This mixture will cleanse the mouth and throat, gargling will help remove infectious drainage from the tonsils. Remember that too much ACV can harm the tooth enamel; the acidity can penetrate enamel, causing pain and damage, so use only in this mild mixture.

ACV can be mixed with a bath to relieve the SUNBURN PAIN, as well as the PAIN from INSECT STINGS and BITES. Mix 2 tablespoons - 1 cup of ACV in your bath water. You can also make a spray (the mixture of THIRDS) which you can spray on your skin to relieve your discomfort. Mix together a mixture of 1/3 strong green tea, 1/3 ACV and 1/3 water; see the "THIRDS" recipe/mixture as described above.

ACV can assist DIGESTION; the natural bacteria in raw vinegar will not only help with digestion it will assist in the stomach maintaining its natural bacteria. Mix 1 teaspoon of ACV, with 1 tablespoon of raw honey, and add to an 8 ounce glass of water OR add 1 teaspoon of ACV to an 8 ounce glass of apple juice and drinks 2 - 3 times daily.

ACV us a natural ANTI-INFLAMMATORY and ANTI-FUNGAL treatment, fill a large bowl with a half-gallon of warm water, add a ½ cup of ACV, and soak your nails or the effected skin (hands or feet) for 10-15 minutes, after soaking, pat the area dry to prevent further fungal growth and inflammation. (If you need a larger bath, you can double the amount as needed.) You can also soak a wash cloth in this mixture, wring it out and place the wash cloth on the inflamed area, leave it in place for 10 - 15 minutes, finally remove it and pat the skin dry.

ACV can be used to relieve CONSTIPATION, mix 2 tablespoons of ACV, with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of raw honey, with 1 cup hot (not to hot) water, and drink this mixture as quickly as possible. You should use this mixture each morning, until the situation improves.

ACV can also help control DIARRHEA, mix 2 tablespoons of ACV, with 1 tablespoon of raw honey , with 1 cup warm water, sip slowly over 10 - 15 and repeat as needed through-out the day. This mixture will help you remain hydrated, maintain the blood-sugar level, and rebuild the natural bacteria of the intestines. It may take time to bring the diarrhea under control. You may use ACV with other OTC treatments if you wish.

ACV is also suppose to relieve MIGRAINES, mix 1 - 2 tablespoons of ACV, with 1 tablespoon of raw honey, and add to an 8 ounce glass of water OR add 2 tablespoon of ACV to an 8 ounce glass of apple juice. Drink this mixture at the first sign of a migraine, repeat after an hour or so, if needed. (To be honest, I suffer from chronic migraines and I have used this recipe/mixture and it has not helped me. This is not to say that it might not work for someone else.)

HERE ARE SOME OTHER HEALTH CLAIMS (some which I question):

Some claim that using ACV cures CANCER; I do NOT know if this claim is valid. There is a reference to a diet, Budwig cancer diet, which is used to treat cancer.

ACV is claimed that it will help and/or cure Arthritis. I do NOT know if this claim valid, but it is worth trying, if you have arthritis.

There is also a claim that using ACV will STRENGTHEN BONES. I do NOT know the validity of this statement either, but as I have stated before, it is worth trying it.

BEAUTY - Apple cider vinegar can be used for SKIN and HAIR treatments:

ACV can be used as a FACE WASH, to clean the skin and treat ACNE, ROSACEA, and PIMPLES; mix 1 - 2 teaspoons of ACV in warm (NOT hot) water and wash and then pat the skin dry.

ACV can be used as an ASTRINGENT and SKIN TONER, mix 1 - 2 teaspoons of ACV in warm (NOT hot) water wash and pat the skin dry.

ACV can also be used to RINSE HAIR; this will add a healthy shine to hair, mix 2 teaspoons of ACV in 1 or 1 ½ cups of warm water.

ACV can be used as a natural ANTIPERSPIRANT/DEODORANT. For excessive body odor, use the Half & Half mixture and wash the area well and pat the skin dry; or you can use daily as a spray. If using as a spray, use Half & Half and spray lightly under the arm and allow the area to air dry. Persons with Allergies to OTC antiperspirants or deodorants should try this mixture, as well as individuals who simply want to use something more natural.

ACV can be also used as an AFTERSHAVE, mix 2 tablespoons of ACV a cup of water and splash the face gently, the odor of vinegar will dissipate quickly after application, and the skin will be refreshed and toned after its use. This works well for those who have allergies to the scents used in traditional colons and aftershaves.


Use ACV to soak and clean your glass coffee pot OR the internal reservoir of a dip coffee maker OR remove the mineral build-up in a stainless steel coffee pot. Use the Half and Half mixture.

Use ACV to clean, soak and remove the mineral build-up and soap scum in a stainless steel sink. Fill the sink with hot water and add 1 - 2 cups of ACV, allow the sink to remain filled and soak overnight.

Use ACV as a spray to clean and disinfect appliances, use the Half and Half mixture.

Use ACV to clean a floor, as a natural cleaner it helps by killing bacteria. Mix 2 cups of ACV with soapy water or use ACV alone as a floor rinse.

Use pure ACV to control and/or kill weeds, add straight vinegar to a spray bottle and spay weed/weeds until well wetted.

Use ACV when washing clothes and help kill germs, add 1 cup of ACV per load of laundry.

DOGS - How I use apple cider vinegar to treat my dogs:

I use the Half & Half or the THIRDS mixture (the 1w/oversion is the mixture which is "without" the extra water), as an ear wash to prevent and treat EAR YEAST INFECTIONS. Place several drops into the dog's ear, leave for 5 min, than use a dry cotton ball pushing it into the ear canal as far as possible to soak up excess moisture, remove the cotton ball and allow the ear to dry out. You may need to do this once a day for 7-10 days, until the symptoms clear.

I use the Half & Half or THIRDS (1w/o) mixture for SKIN YEAST INFECTIONS. Either spay can be used as often as needed for the itching and the odor that is caused by yeast infections. (I prefer the THIRDS - 1w/o - mixture, over the HALF and HALF when treating the skin, but either works well.) These two sprays help clean, treat, and prevent the return of a skin yeast infection.

In most cases, a mild YEAST INFECTION of the skin can be brought under control by using an apple cider vinegar skin spray and by adding ACV to your dog's bath; for a serious or chronic YEAST INFECTION, you may need to put your dog on a grain-free diet in addition.

To use AVC to bathe my dogs, I start with about 5 gallons of slightly warm water. I add 1 cup of ACV in their bath, with ½ cup baking soda, and 1 cup of finely ground oatmeal. This mixture sweetens BODY ODOR and RELIEVES ITCHING. (Do not make the water to warm, if the water is to warm it will increase itching.

I use the THIRDS (1w/o) mixture regularly to CLEAN my dog's EARS. I dampen a cotton ball with the mixture, before I insert it into the ear canal. I use my finger to turn the cotton ball back and forth within the canal, which helps remove the wax, dirt and debris from the canal. This can be repeated as often as needed.

I use the regular THIRDS mixture to treat GENERAL ITCHING. This spay can be used as often as needed to help with the itching of dry skin, flea bites, mild skin irritations, mild infections.

I use ACV as a natural flea spay, it discourages fleas. AS a FLEA SPRAY, I use the Half & Half mixture. This is the strongest form of vinegar spay that I use on skin and on a regular bases. I use the vinegar spay because fleas don't seem to like the odor or taste.

Use ACV to clean your home, not only does it clean your home and freshen; it is safer than using the more dangerous cleaning products. Some cleaning products contain chemicals where are harmful to animals, even deadly. One type of these products contain "SOL," like Lysol, Pine-Sol, Sol-U-Mel, Orange-SOL, Green Sol, Vani-SOL... Products with SOL, pose a risk to dogs if ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin. (SOL poses the biggest risk to cats.)

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