

What are the best 5 DSL Internet providers in the US?

Updated: 9/10/2019
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14y ago

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The top 5 DSL providers in the United States are: Verizon Online DSL, AT&T DSL Direct, Covad, Speakeasy, and Earthlink. For the top twenty list visit:

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Q: What are the best 5 DSL Internet providers in the US?
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What company of DSL internet provides the best service?

Accroding to DSL Reports, the best US DSL providers are Embarq and AT&T, though there's not much difference between them. Don't bother with Windstream or Earthlink, since they have bad reviews.

Who are the best DSL service providers in the US that are affordable?

The best DSL service providers in the US that are affordable is Verizon. Verizon offers a bundle plan that is about 59.99 dollars a month and you can get more info at

What are the best DSL service providers?

Two of the most popular and highest rated DSL providers are Earthlink and Verizon. Both are available almost anywhere in the US, and have large customer support teams and uninterrupted service, which happens often with smaller DSL providers.

What dsl internet providers are available in America?

All of your major phone companies like AT&T ,Southwestern Bell and Comcast will offer DSL services. You can also go to this webiste ( and it will give you a directory of all DSL providers according to the state where you live. If you live in a rural area and you can't currently get internet service you might want to try Hughes Net. They offer DSL service through satelite ! There are a lot of DSL providers across the US. AT&T is probably the largest one. Verizon, Sprint, Comcast and DSL Extreme are a few that come to mind.

What are the different factors that make internet providers the best?

The bets internet access providers depend upon where in the country someone is and what types of service they can get. In the UK EE is supposed to be one of the best providers. In the US there are a large number including Vodafone that are worth looking at. There are many internet access providers so it is quite difficult to choose best one who ca easily provide high speed internet connectivity in your area. In india, connect is one of the best internet access providers. They easily provide high speed internet at lowest cost in all areas of Punjab. I suggest you just switch to connect and enjoy broadband services with unlimited downloading benefits.

Who are the cheapest dsl service providers in the US?

Actually the cheapest is also the most reliable and is AT&T. There are many different plans and different levels available ranging from very cheap to quite expensive. Most DSL providers are regional so the proces in your area may be different. Generally speaking Verizon provides the best DSL rates.

Who is the biggest wireless internet provider?

The biggest wireless internet provider in the US is Cable/DSL.

What is the most popular DSL internet provider in the US?

The most popular DSL provider in the United States right now is Verizon DSL. AT & T Direct DSL is the second most popular.

Who are the top internet providers?

Truthfully, it doesn't matter who the top internet providers are in the US. The only ones that matter are the ones available to you and that is likely a very small subset of all those available. The best thing to do is go to to DSL Reports and find out what all is available to you and see what users in your area report. Use that information to make your decision, it will be far more helpful than national reviews that may not apply to the quality of your service in your area.

What US companies provide low price DSL internet connection?

There are a number of US based companies that provide low price DSL internet connection. Examples of companies include All Connect, CanDoFinance, Earth Link and Verizon.

What are the advantages of Satellite Internet over DSL Internet?

the information travels faster , dsl travels in a line and depending on where your transfer station is for dsl so yes satellite is faster goes direct into your cable. The main advantage that satellite Internet service has over DSL is that satellite Internet is available virtually anywhere in the US even in rural areas where DSL and Cable don't reach. Generally, satellite Internet service beats cable or DSL Internet when DSL or cable Internet is NOT AN OPTION. Cable or DSL access is almost always cheaper (less expensive) than satellite Internet, but not always faster.

What are the most effective providers of high speed dsl service in the United States?

No one provider offers high speed DSL everywhere in the U.S. Different areas have service from various providers, all of which strive to have consistent service with few interruptions in order to maintain a customer base as competition is stiff. Go to this site and enter your phone number to find out what ISP serve your area: Once you have a list of providers, you can explore the options offered by each one. DSL service offers high-speed access to the Internet over some of the lines that are involved in phone service. Because DSL uses dedicated lines to provide the service, there is rarely an interruption or a slow down like there often is with cable modem service. DSL is often available at several levels from the same provider. But the service is the same, regardless who is providing it. There are literally hundreds of providers in the US, from local phone companies, other local concerns, regional providers and those that cover even great areas. It is not clea