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Q: What are the best foods and drinks to help you go to sleep?
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What vegan foods help you sleep?

Pounded yam

What food and drinks help diet?

foods and drinks that you know that are very healthy and contain stuff that are very good for your health

Do any foods help you fall asleep?

Warm milk and turkey are both foods that can bring on sleep.

What are some tips for someone who has been deprived of sleep?

Sleep deprivation can lead to some sufferers feeling the need to eat more sugary foods. Sugar should be avoided as it does the sleep deprived patient no good at all. Some websites suggest that the person suffering from sleep deprivation should cut down on their caffeine intake, they should avoid foods and drinks with certain additives and suggest that relaxation tapes might help.

How can son put on weight fast What is a safe and good way to do so?

The only best way to gain weight is to consume more healthy calories. Foods which can help to gain weight are: Rice, potatoes, cola drinks, junk foods, and in fruits banana, mango with milk can help a lot to gain weight. The boy should sleep for more than ten hours or so. You will see dramatic increase in weight after couple of weeks.

How do you get the fat?

Eat junk foods, fatty foods, greasy foods, don't exercise, and sleep alot. The best way to get fat is have cheesecakes two or three times a week. Also binge eating will help you gain rapidly. Don't eat healthy foods and always think about food.

How to get rid of sleep?

You cannot permanently get rid of the urge to sleep as you have to sleep at some point. However, drinking strong coffee or other caffeinated drinks can help you to stay awake for a bit longer if you want to delay sleep.

Is there any way to keep teeth strong?

Consume more foods or drinks that contain CALCIUM. Milk is a specified example of drinks that help keep your teeth strong and healthy.

What foods can help heartburn?

Carbonated drinks can help bring the acid back down, light vegetables and fruits help for me. Take some Zantax for it as well, this will help it go down.

What is the Best food to help you sleep?

Chinese cheese

How does pasteurization help us today -?

Pasteurization helps people not die from eating foods or drinking drinks with potentially harmful or lethal bacteria that happen to live in the foods that we eat.

What are best foods to gain Weight?

carbohydrate,oily and fat foods can help you to gain weight.