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Nut in honey!

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Q: What are the best foods to eat at night that are lowest in carbs?
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What beans have the lowest carbs?

Black Soy Beans have the lowest carbs - approx 7 to 8 grams per 1/2 cup with approx 8 grams of fiber - the best of both!

How many carbs should a diabetic eat at one meal?

Firstly, diabetics should have Snacks, not Meals---generally between 5 and 6 snacks per day, which should include SMALL amounts of a good mix of all the basic food groups. Generally, trying to consume the lowest number of carbs at any meal is always the best, but you will drive yourself crazy by reading labels to find the lowest amounts of carbs in foods....if you can keep your Total daily-intake of carbs to between 60 and 100grams, you are doing Great, and your sugar-numbers should reflect that.

What are the best foods to eat before getting a tattoo?

complex carbs to keep your sugar even while getting tatted

What makes the best low carb diet so effective?

the best low card diet is so effective because it contains hardly no carbs, you can achieve this by not eating such foods as bread, fish and other foods.

How many carbohydrates should you have at breakfast?

The best thing to eat for breakfast is a natural cereal like kashi, basic4, just look at the ingredients, and a peice of fruit. Or you could have just a peice of fruit cuz that counts as a carb. Or you could have a yogurt. It's really not so much carbs as it is how much carbs or junk is in the food. The best thing to do is get the food with the lowest amount of carbs but even more important the lowest amount of junk.

What are the best junk foods for a movie night?

Popcorn! And other hor'devoures (:

Where is a good place to find a list of high carb foods?

You can find a list of high carb foods on websites such as wikipedia or mommyknows best or websites where people can help you decided whether there are high carbs or not.

Can a low carb diet plan help to lose abdominal fat?

Cardio is the best way to lose fat all over. While low carb diets may be a quick fix, you will gain it right back when you eat carbs again. Carbs make your body hold sugar and water which you excrete out eventually. The best weight loss plan would be no bad carbs(soda white grains)but still getting plenty of good carbs (whole grains and fruit). The dangerous foods are sugar and saturated fats like fried foods.

What are the best ways to loose a belly?

Diet exercise. Lots of exercise. Eat foods high in protien (eggs steaks beans ) avoid carbs (bread potatoes pasta)

Which type of food can take liver operated patient?

After a liver operation, it's best for the patient to eat healthy foods that are easily digested and to avoid a lot of protein and carbs.

What are the best weight loss foods for women?

In all honesty, if you are planning on losing weight, the food you eat will never be the only thing you need to change. You will need to change your whole lifestyle. Exercise, a balanced diet... you know the usual... For foods, you will need to have a balanced diet.

What is a good food diet plan for a person getting ready for a wedding?

The best thing you can do right now is "No white at night". What this means is if you are going to consume carbohydrates (pastas, sugar, breads, etc.) do it at breakfast and lunch. High protein high vegetable dinners will teach your body not to store carbs over night. Carbs that are stored turn to fat. Congratulations on your wedding!