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Squash,kick boxing

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Q: What are the best sports to lose body fat?
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Related questions

How can a teen lose body fat?

A teen can lose body fat by eating reasonable amounts of a balanced diet. It will also help to be active, riding a bike, playing sports, or just walking more.

What happens if you don't eat and exercise?

Your body burns your muscles, NOT fat like common belief, because muscles have more calories than fat and so your body goes for them. Try not to eat before you do sport. After is fine, as this is the best way to lose more fat and do sports when you're not hungry or full.

How do you sty healthy by doing sports?

By doing sports that require fitness and get your heartbeat up then you burn calories and lose body fat. You can also tone your body and get into a more muscular shape by doing exercise

What is the best way for a teeanger to lose body fat?

Go to the Ymca with your friends and lift some weights play B-Ball and all kinds of sports. Or go on a treadmill when u have time everyday.

Does anything melt body fat?

Cardio exercise combined with a balanced diet of 1200-1500 calories per day is the best way to lose body fat.

Your bmi is 26.3 how do you lose 10 percent body fat?

The absolute best way to lose a significant amount of body fat is to stop drinking pop all together. As well as work out to make yourself sweat.

How can a very overweight 37-year-old best lose body fat?

If you want to lose body fat, you are going to have to go on a strict diet. You also want to make sure you are exercising at least three days a week.

What exercise machines offer exercises to help lose body fat fast?

If you would like to lose body fat quickly, you would need to do a lot of cardio exercises. The treadmill is one of the best ways to lose weight because it works out your whole body and gives you a great cardio workout.

Will laying in the summer sun, in a winter jacket, help me to burn body fat fast?

Lying in the summer sun, in a winter jacket, will not help you burn body fat fast. It will cause you to sweat and lose some water weight. Exercise and eating right is the best way to lose unwanted body fat.

What is the best way to lose body fat but not weight?

I would first like to say that this is very, very difficult, if not impossible, to achieve. Body fat, while not as heavy as muscle, still weighs a fair amount. So when you burn off this body fat, you are losing weight. The single best way to lose body fat is to mix a low-calorie, high protein diet with mostly cardiovascular exercise. Strength training will also help to burn fat by raising your metabolism, but it's not completely necessary to lose fat. If you wanted to lose body fat but not weight, the only practical solution would be to replace the weight of the fat in your body with something else; the only logical material being muscle. In summation: You will also lose weight when you burn off fat. To maintain a weight, you must replace it with something else to balance out the weight being lost. The obvious thing being muscle.

Why are sports good for your body?

sports are good for you because it burns off fat on your stomach

How do kids get big muscles?

Kids can get bigger muscles by running to lose baby fat then do push ups crunches and pull ups. Also playing sports is good I am 11 and have a six pack and fairly big biceps/triceps. Football is one of the best and also once you lose your baby fat keep running to lose access fat