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Honest ones. You'd want to sell yourself in the best possible light, but if you claim what you cannot deliver after being hired, you'll be fired quickly.

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Q: What are the best types of answers to give in a job interview?
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What are the best types of answers to give in a situational job interview?

Your best bet is to be enthusiastic but not too peppy. Answer the questions that they fire at you with as much honesty as possible. Good luck!

Questions and answers?

Interview questions and answers are a big part of the hiring process. A person should think about what answers they will give during an interview so that you are not caught off guard.

Advantage unstructured interview?

People are more likely to open up and give more in-depth answers during an unstructured interview. They also provide the people who are being interviewed with time to really think about their answers.

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this position is the key of life .it give me a lot of knowledge about interview.a persons who give a lot of interview he will teach somthing

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WikiAnswers only gives you the truth of the question. Whether not it was the answer you were looking for or not. WikiAnswers tries it's best to give the best answers, and a lot of times, those answers are good ones. But, there are some flagged answers, that may say something inappropriate, and that is not what we are about. We are a Q and A site, trying to give the best answers we have. And we will try to give you the answers you want.

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Interview for cargo handling in Qatar Airways is easy. All you have to do is answer questions the best you can.

In an interview if they ask me what is your plan what answer will I give?

ANSWER: Tell the interviewer that you want to be of service to the company and that you will give your best to be the employee that they need.

Is WikiAnswers the best website?

No. It may not give the best answers. Look for answers by people with large amounts of trust points.

How do you relax during an interview?

don't feel tensed or panic during the interview,as these things are not going to add anything to your potential rather than decreasing it. So, what ever comes to your mind just say it in the best way it possible.Try to give the answers honestly,what you are!!!! because pretending something can be severely harmful.....

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give me the best answers please

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Not every answer is a phony answer. I do my best to give legitimate answers. If the answer seems phony, ask the question again.

What are the characteristics of a good interview?

From the interviewee's perspective you have to be professional, truthful and give good specific examples. The key to interview questions is to provide STAR answers, which is giving specific examples. The Situation, Task, Action and Result.