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WW1 was caused by a network of alliances that caused countries to go to war along with their allies after Arch Duke Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian national and Austria-Hungary invaded Serbia eventually causing the world to go to war.

There were 9 main causes:

- Alliances

- Rivalry

- Nationalism

- Imperialism

- Arms Race

- Assassination

- Alsace lorraine

- Kaiser Wilhelm II

- Crises

All these points lead up to WWII, some were more important than others but it is completely dependent on your opinion. The Assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand was just the tip over the edge for the beginning of WW1 but i am sure even if that didn't happen something else would have made it happen.

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Q: What are the causes of World War I?
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Causes for World War I?

The causes of World war 1 were, Imperialism, Nationalism, alliances, and Serbia sent assassins to kill Austro-Hungarian Prince Franz Ferndinand.

What are four causes of war?

The four causes of the First World War are; * Imperialism * The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria * Germany invading Belgium on it's way to fight France * Militariasm The various causes of World War Two are; * Germany looking for revenge after World War One * Adolf Hitler (Germany) looking to take over the world

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