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Probably low albumin levels from not eating.

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Q: What are the causes of edema in protein energy malnutrition?
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Why does loss of protein from the blood causes swelling of the tissues?

What does low protein in blood mean?

Albumin and globulin are two majors protein found in blood plasma. There are a variety of reasons for low protein in blood: Liver Diseases, Malnutrition, Kidney problem... Symptoms can be: Loss of hair , Depression, Fatigue, Edema...

Why is Kwashiorkor most common in poor developing countries?

Malnutrition is one of the commonest problems in poor developing countries. Kwashiorkor develops when the body is getting enough calories, but not enough protein. This causes edema. It is more common in poor countries because people may not have access to nutritional food.

What can be the cause that your legs get very or extremaly swell?

There are several causes of edema of the legs, these causes are water retention, venous insufficiency, malnutrition/kwashiorkor, congestive heart failure, kidney failure, cellulitis. Immediate doctor's attention is needed.

Why do malnourished children have large abdomens?

"A swollen stomach is indicative of kwashiorkor, malnutrition caused by protein deficiency. It often affects children when they are no longer fed milk and their new diet is lacking in protein. The protein deficiency causes fluids to drain from the blood into the stomach, causing the characteristic swelling (edema) which may also be present in the arms, legs, hands, feet, and faces. A lingering disease, these children tend to be lethargic. Although kwashiorkor may not kill, permanent injury is not uncommon–such as mental retardation."-

Which plasma protein responsible for edema?


What is an edema and what causes it?

Edema is another term for swelling. It can be caused by injury, improper lymphatic system operations and many other problems. One major cause of edema includes amputation, masectomy and other traumatic procedures. A person who loses protein in their urine may experience edema all over their body because the protein that moves through the urine is albumin which pulls fluid into blood vessels thereby reducing swelling.

What happens if plasma protein leaks into the tissue spaces?

edema develops

What is the relationship of sodium and edema?

Sodium causes edema which is swelling of the tissues of the body. Sodium causes the body to retain fluid which it uses to dilute the concentration of sodium.

What Medication causes Flash Pulmonary Edema?


If Edema appears when there is a severe lack of dietary protein because?

Blood protein levels fall and fluid shifts to the tissues.

Edema appears when there is a severe lack of dietary protein because?

Blood protein levels fall and fluid shifts to the tissues.