

What are the cheetahs enemies?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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The cheetah is at the bottom of the predator chain and is picked on heavily by the others. Lions, Leopards and Hyenas are its main enimies. but the elements and harsh climates can also effect the populations. the cheetahs biggest enemy is us Humans
The enemies of a cheetah are the lion and hyena.
He has none
Hares to the young of all ungulates, young of ostrich, and small to medium sized antelope.
A cheetah has plenty of enemies in the wild. Lions will kill cheetah cubs just to eliminate the competition. Leopard's, hyena's , even other male cheetahs will kill or steal cubs and food just for survival.
Cheetahs dont have enimies..thats not the correct name, it is preadators. Their preadptors are lions and Hyinas
cheetahs enemies are hyenas, lions, leopards, wildebeest, zebras (for kicking reasons).
Lions are the most dangerous enemies for Cheetahs. Lions are bigger and stronger, and will kill Cheetahs to lower the competition for prey.
Cheetahs are the smallest of the large predators on the African savanna. They can be overpowered, injured, or killed by lions, leopards, hyenas, African wild dogs, and even baboons. Cheetah cubs are especially vulnerable, and will be killed and even eaten by any of the above animals.
they eat jam and toast for breakfast and toilets for lunch and dinner
The main enemies of cheetas are tigers and humans.

Poachers hunt cheetas and their cubs are often eaten by hyenas, tigers, leopards and lions.
Most likely rival predators like lions. Cheetahs are not the strongest big cat out there and a lion or a tiger can easily bring them down.

Humans possibly. Poachers might hunt them for their pelt.
a cheetah 's enemies are : leopards humans lion hyena's and vultures
Humans! Cheetahs face habitat loss, poaching, habitat fragmentation, predation, genetic abnormalities and a host of other issues in the wild. Cheetahs have it hard in the wild. Their prey are often stolen from them by lions, hyenas, vultures, and leopards. And because cheetahs are almost genetically identical to each other it's hard for them to reproduce. Many are sterile or very close to it, while others produce cubs with congenital defects. They'll have misaligned teeth, crossed eyes, heart problems, bent limbs, curled tails... That's why it's so important to support cheetah conservation. Support AZA accredited zoos and organizations and well-respected conservation projects like Cheetah Conservation Fund. They carefully breed them in captivity to create a viable population AND help cheetahs in the wild by providing natural spaces for them to live and hunt undisturbed by humans.
Adult Cheetah's have no natural enemies or predators. They are too fast to be caught by any other animal. However, the youngsters are vulnerable to animals like lions and hyenas.

Apart from this, humans are the biggest threat to cheetahs. Humans have hunted them for centuries almost wiping them out in Asia and driving them to low numbers in Africa.
lions are cheetahs enimies
Cheetahs are the smallest of the large predators on the African savanna. They can be overpowered, injured, or killed by lions, leopards, hyenas, African wild dogs, and even baboons. Cheetah cubs are especially vulnerable, and will be killed and even eaten by any of the above animals.

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13y ago

Cheetahs are the smallest of the large predators on the African savanna. They can be overpowered, injured, or killed by lions, leopards, hyenas, African wild dogs, and even baboons. Cheetah cubs are especially vulnerable, and will be killed and even eaten by any of the above animals.

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Practically all other large predators. Cheetahs are small and fragile cats, so they can be easily overpowered by hyenas, lions, and other such animals. And don't forget man.

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Cheetahs frequently have their kills stolen by lions, hyenas, leopards and packs of wild African dogs. The same animals will kill and eat cheetah cubs.

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What are some of a cheetah's enemies?

Hyenas and lions will attack and try to kill cheetahs.

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Hyenas and Lions often chase the Cheetah away from its food.