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Q: What are the differences between antigens and antibodies?
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What is the difference between antibodies and antitoxins?

Antibodies attach to antigens preventing them from attacking cells in the body. Antitoxins attack antigens and destroy them

Which antibody and antigen combination match each blood type?

The blood type notation A Rh- indicates which antigens and antibodies are present in the blood. A indicates there are A antigens. Rh+ indicates there are Rh antigens. B antibodies. If there are A and Rh antigens but no B antigens, the antibodies in the blood plasma are B antibodies.

Do antibodies attack extracellular or intracellular antigens?

Antibodies can attack both extracellular and intracellular antigens.

What is the difference between antibodies and antigens?

Antigen is a substance that can induce the generation of antibodies, any substance that can induce immune response. Antibody is a protective protein produced by the body in response to an antigen.

The functions of antibodies is to?

Function of antibodies is to neutralizes the antigens that enters.

How are antigens associated with antibodies?

Antibodies are produced in response to antigens. If you get infected with one of the 200 viruses that cause colds, these viruses are antigens and your body will respond by making antibodies. The antibodies will inactivate the virus. It usually takes 7-10 for the process to be complete.

A person who is B positive will have?

B antigens, antibodies to A, and Rh antigens

What do antibodies work against?


What kind of antibodies does type AB have?

Since that person has anti-B antibodies, then A antigens are present in her red blood cells. Since that person doesnt have anti-A antibodies, then there are no B antigens present, which means the person has A type blood.

Which statement best describes the relationship between antigens and antibodies?

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Antibodies are protein molecules that attach to?


Proteins in blood that bind to antigens?
