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Q: What are the differences between the us patriot act and the electronic communications privacy act?
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Which government agency became responsible for the collection of data phones and electronic communications after the passing of the USA patriot act?


Which piece of federal legislation has made it easier to intercept many forms of electronic communication?

The "Patriot Act."

What is the difference between a loyalist a patriot?

who were loyalists and patriots?

In 2001 Congress passed the Patriot Act Which was one of the powers granted as result of this act?

increased authority to use electronic surveillance

What did Thomas Jefferson mean when he wrote all differences of opinion are not necessarily differences of principle?

"I'm a patriot. I support the invasion of Iraq. Therefore people against the invasion of Iraq aren't patriots." Two patriots both equally intent on acting in the best interest of their peoples and country disagree with each other as to how to go about that. The difference in opinion doesn't automatically equate to one not really being a patriot. Jefferson and Madison founded the Democratic-Republican Party, which is still on operation today for all it appears to have split in two, and their intent was to bridge the differences between the original federalists and anti-federalists. Because the differences in their opinions weren't differences in principle anymore before than after the founding of the US.

Was Deborah Sampson a loyalist or a Patriot?

she was a patriot.

What problem did the Patriot Act raise?

Some people were concerned that the Patriot Act violated civil rights because it gives the federal government the power to wiretap the communications of suspected terrorists. They felt that this could be violating these terrorists rights, because they had not yet been convicted of any crime. Those defending the Patriot Act pointed out that in other situations of criminal justice, a conviction is not required to obtain wiretaps, to search homes, etc., only probable cause in the form of a warrant. They stated that the Patriot simply extends this power to the pursuit of terrorists; if the government has probable cause to believe he/she is a terrorist, they can wiretap his phone and monitor his communications in the interest of preventing an attack.

Was Thomas Jefferson a loyalist or patriot?

a patriot not a loyalist he was a patriot

The Patriot Laws?

the patriot laws are the rules of a patriot which is called the patriot act.

What does it mean to be a ardent patriot?

ardent patriot means a loveable patriot ardent patriot means a loveable patriot

Was Alexander Hamilton a Patriot or Loyalist?

he was an absolute patriot my children

Was Deborah a patriot or loyalist?
