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differenciate between vowel and consonant

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Q: What are the differences between vowel and consonant sounds?
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What's the difference between a and b?

There are a few differences between a and b. A is a vowel and b is a consonant. A and b both have different sounds when pronounced.

How many vowel sounds and consonant sounds are there in English?

There are 15-20 vowel sounds in English, depending on the dialect, and around 24 consonant sounds. Vowel sounds are produced without any significant constriction or closure in the vocal tract, while consonant sounds are created by obstructing airflow in different ways.

Do pedigree and bee have the same consonant sounds or the same vowel sounds?

yes they have the same consonant

What it's VCCCV unstressed syllables answer?

Words that have the VCCCV (Vowel-Consonant- Consonant-Consonant-Vowel) pattern are divided into syllables between the first and second consonants, as in the wordap/proach. The sounds of the second and third consonants are blended together.

Why are there Vowel sounds in the alphabet?

Vowel sounds connect and express the more numerous consonant sounds (which are the more specially shaped sounds) to create words. Vowel sounds are the oldest language sounds.

What is the consonant sounds of cash?

The word cash begins and ends with consonant sounds, the c and the sh. The middle letter a is a vowel.

Are consonant sounds produced in the same way as vowel sounds?

No, consonant sounds are produced by obstructing or restricting the airflow in some way, such as by closing the lips or putting the tongue against the teeth, whereas vowel sounds are produced with a relatively open vocal tract and without any significant obstruction.

What is toe vowel consonant or consonant vowel consonant?

consonant vowel consonant............:)

Words have the same ending consonant sound but the vowel sounds are different such as that and hit?

Consonance, as opposed to assonance of vowel sounds or alliteration of sounds at the beginning of words.

Is nothing a vowel consonant consonant?

It's VCCV. (vowel consonant consonant vowel)

Are there exceptions as to when to use an before a word instead of a?

The article "an" is used before a word when the word begins with a vowel. "A" is used when the word begins with a consonant. The exceptions are when the word begins with a consonant but it sounds like a vowel, or when it begins with a vowel but it sounds like a consonant. There are very few exceptions. And I cannot think of one at the moment.

Would you use a or an before the word licensed?

A. Use "a" before consonant sounds and "an" before vowel sounds.