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Q: What are the different conditional jump instructions of 8051?
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What are unconditional statements?

An unconditional statement is one which would happen always (unconditionally).Conditional statement:if(x > 5)print "Hello!"Unconditional statement:print "Hello!"This term also comes up when speaking of assembly instructions. An unconditional jump would be a line of assembly which always executes the jump. This is in contrast to a conditional jump (also known as a branch) which will execute the jump only if some statement evaluates to true.

What keyword is used to jump out of a loop without waiting to get back to the conditional test?


What is go-to unconditional in c plus plus?

An unconditional goto is a goto that has no associated conditional expression. The following example demonstrates conditional and unconditional goto statements. int x=rand(); if (x) goto label_1; // conditional goto (when x is non-zero) else goto label_2; // conditional goto (when x is zero) label_1: // ... goto label_3; // unconditional goto (jump past label_2) label_2: // ... label_3: // ...

How does loop work?

In programming, a loop works by conditionally jumping to the start of the loop and repeating the instructions. If the condition evaluates false, execution continues to the next instruction, thus breaking out of the loop. We can also break out of a loop from within the body of the loop itself using another conditional jump which jumps out of the loop. If we jump backwards out of a loop we effectively create an intertwined loop, known as spaghetti code which is difficult to read and maintain. Structured loops help make it easier to digest the logic. In C, a jump is achieved using a goto and a label. However, structured loops using for, while and do-while statements make loops much easier to read and maintain.

How does for loop work in c plus plus?

For loops in C++ consist of three parts, all of which are optional. Each part is separated by a semi-colon, which is not optional, and each part may include multiple statements, separated by commas. The first portion is the initial expression, which can be used to both declare and initialise variables used within the loop. If variables are declared, they are local to the loop and fall from scope when the loop ends. The second portion is the conditional expression that is executed at the end of each iteration of the loop. If the expression evaluates false, the loop terminates. This is typically used to evaluate the variables initialised by the initial expression. The final portion is the end loop expression, which is executed at the end of each iteration prior to the conditional expression being evaluated. This is typically used to increment or decrement variables initialised in the initial expression. Within the body of a loop, jump statements can be used to exit the loop regardless of the conditional expression, or start a new iteration before executing any remaining commands within the loop. Jump statements include break, continue, goto and return, and are typically used in conjunction with a conditional expression. An infinite for loop has the following from: for(;;) { // The body of the loop must evaluate a conditional expression to allow // the loop to terminate via a jump statement. } A for loop that repeats 10 times can be expressed as: for(int x=0; x<10; ++x) { // Variable x will fall from scope when the loop ends. } The loop can also be expressed as an infinite loop: int x=0; for(;;) { if( ++x == 10 ) break; } // x is still in scope at this point, and has the value 10. Most for loops can also be written using while() loops, however variables used by the conditional expression must be declared outwith the loop, and will remain in scope when the loop terminates. int x=0; while(x++<10) { // First time around, x will be 1. } // x is still in scope at this point, and will have the value 11.

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Not "conditional BRANCH statement" but "conditional branch statement". In computer code it means some branch (jump) instruction who's destination location depends on the result of some test before jumping. conditional jump: IF a=something THEN GO TO (jump, branch) some location unconditional jump: GO TO location (just do the jump)

What are unconditional statements?

An unconditional statement is one which would happen always (unconditionally).Conditional statement:if(x > 5)print "Hello!"Unconditional statement:print "Hello!"This term also comes up when speaking of assembly instructions. An unconditional jump would be a line of assembly which always executes the jump. This is in contrast to a conditional jump (also known as a branch) which will execute the jump only if some statement evaluates to true.

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when conditional jump instruction is executed it has 10 m/c cycles bt when nt executed it has 7 m/c cycles....while unconditional jump instruction has 10 m/c cycles...

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There are 74 instructions in the 8085 microprocessor.

What is the difference between 8051 and 8052 microcontrollers?

8051 and 8052 aren't interchangable, but they are similar.The 8052 is identical to the 8051 with the following enhancements:1. The 8052 has 256 bytes of internal RAM, the 8051 has 128.2. The 8052 has three (3) 16-bit timers, the 8051 has two (2). The third timer has some new operation modes not available with the 8051.

What is go-to unconditional in c plus plus?

An unconditional goto is a goto that has no associated conditional expression. The following example demonstrates conditional and unconditional goto statements. int x=rand(); if (x) goto label_1; // conditional goto (when x is non-zero) else goto label_2; // conditional goto (when x is zero) label_1: // ... goto label_3; // unconditional goto (jump past label_2) label_2: // ... label_3: // ...

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