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Q: What are the different elements to be measured in the fitness test?
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What is physical fitness test?

A physcial fitness test is a test to see how fit you are. They are often categorized into different fitness capacities such as tests of strength, power, flexibility, agility and endurance plus many more. A specific example of a physcial fitness test is the sit up test or beep test.

What are the different batteries of physical fitness test?

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What are the different purposes of doing physical fitness test?


What is physical fitness give the different physical fitness test?

ang physical fit is im exesrcice

What are the different physical fitness and sports talent test?

its a competition about physical fitness to build up muscles

List down the different physical fitness test?

ewan ku

What are the following means of measuring physical fitness?

the 5 components of fitness are: 1. cardiovascular endurance 2. muscular endurance 3. flexibility 4. body fat percentage 5. muscular strength sorry but i don't know how they are measured. trying 2 figure it out now. hope this is helpful.

Equipments used in physical fitness test?

the equipment of physical fitness test

How does a fitness test aid the evaluation of fitness?

Fitness test aid evaluate your body general fitness. it evaluates by make you exercise out some tact.