

Best Answer

Briefly, I would say that as far as consciousness with man on Earth is concerned there are THREE main states.

The Three States of MIND are:

Subconscious, Conscious and Super-consciouseness.

According to experts in the field of human mental development the

Subconscious governs mento-physical FUNCTION.

Conscious governs mento-physical ACTION

Superconsciousness governs mento-physical and

Psycho-spiritual INTUITION and INSPIRATION.

This is a profound subject. Mind, itself is just a limited expression of consciousness. Consciousness itself is the substratum of all known forces and energies in Creation. Consciousness is Life!

Consciousness is both Manifested and unmanifested in Creation!


Another Answer

From a psychological perspective there are three levels of consciousness:

Conscious, preconscious and unconscious.

Things we are conscious of, are the things we are aware of and attending to at a given moment. (ie These words on the screen)

Things in our preconsciousness are the things we are not aware of at the moment but could easily bring into our conscious awareness (ie The sound of the TV in the next room, or the look of your last birthday cake).

Things that are in our unconscious mind are things we are not aware of and are difficult or impossible to bring into our current awareness (ie The memory of the day we were born)


In David Hawkin's book Power vs. Force, he proposes there is a scale of consciousness / energy level, calibrated from 0 all the way to the highest end of 1000 points. Within this scale, there are a total of 17 different levels of consciousness demarcated by different points on the scale.

Moving from 0 to 1000 mark a progression in the change of one's world view from a fear-based consciousness, to a love-based consciousness. The highest attainable level is enlightenment at 1000.

Detailed information on these 17 different levels and what they are can be found in the related links section below.

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