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Lots of traffic

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Q: What are the effects of road widening?
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Negative effects of widening of public roads?

There are many positive and negative effects of widening public roads. Negative effects that come to mind include: impeding traffic during construction, environmental impact, and taxpayer cost. There are other possible negative effects such as people "rubbernecking" or staring at construction which can cause an accident. If there is insufficient room to widen the road but it must be widened, sidewalk space can be reduced or street parking spaces removed.

What is verb for wide?

The verb for wide is widen.Other verbs are widens, widening and widened, depending on the tense.Some example sentences are:"We will widen the road"."The baby widens her mouth for the spoonful of yoghurt"."We are widening the bike path"."They have widened the doorway".

What is the definition of valley widening?

Valley widening refers to the process by which a valley grows wider over time due to erosion by various natural forces such as rivers, glaciers, or landslides. This can result in the valley floor becoming broader and the sides of the valley becoming less steep.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of road widening?

The biggest advantage of road widening is that the road will be able to handle more traffic. Disadvantages include the slowdown and rerouting of traffic while the work is underway, as well as the cost and the added pollution from the increase in traffic.

What are the bad effects of road salt?

Road salt causes corosion of vehicles

Is the development gap widening or narrowing?

Well it depends if you are having an orgasm or not. If you are its narrowing, if not its widening.

What is aortic dilation?

Aortic dilation is the widening of the aorta. This widening could be an aortic aneurysm.

What is financial widening?

Financial Widening refers to the growth in number and size of Financial Institutions in an economy.

What is the medical term meaning expansion of a blood vessel?

Dilation of a blood vessel is the term for physiologic widening of the vessel. Abnormal widening of the blood vessel through a weakening of the wall is known as aneurysm.Dilation of a blood vessel means widening of the vessel.

What negative effects does road salt have? rocks

The effects of traffic congestion?

Road rage, Pollution,

How can cold winter damage road surfaces?

Money that is used for personal corruption and theft, rather than to use it for regular maintenance of roads and infratructure.