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The main variance between the shia and the sunni occurred after the death of the holy prophet .the shia believes that the prophet is ordered by Allah to express Ali Ibn Abitali as his succeSsor in Gadir- Ghom and according TO lots other evidences.but after the death of the prophet ,some of his companion did not obey the prophet speech and chose Abu-baker as the prophet successor.

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Q: What are the exact dates When the Sunni and Shiah sects of Islam form?
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All problems of life can be solved by the exact applying of the rules & recommendations of Islam. when all these were applied by all the Muslims their community was really perfect.

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Sufism is mysticism whereas Sunni and Shiite are orthopractical orthodoxies. It is hard to exactly explain what this means, but probably the best way to imagine it would be that Sufism is like poetry whereas Sunni or Shiite are like instruction manuals. Sufism doesn't have exact rules, is more about emotion than procedure, makes every syllable and motion count, etc. Sunni and Shiite are about form, regimentation, rules, study, and devotion. They are both roads to God through Islam.

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We do not have the exact dates, but it appears that the earliest conversions, usually of Ghanian leaders, occurred in the mid-800s C.E., and Islam became a dominant religion in the Ghana Empire by the mid-900s C.E.

What is the exact location of islam?

Islam does not have an "exact location". It is a religion practiced by 1.6 billion people in over 100 different countries on all inhabited continents. Islam has large populations and now prevails in North Africa, East Africa, Southeast Europe, the Middle East, South Asia, and the Indonesian Archipelago.The most important cities in Islam are Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem, which can be considered central locations, but not "exact locations".

Where are Sunni and Shiite Islam?

Islam is a religion which has adherents all over the world, but not in equal measure. The region with the highest concentration of Muslims is the Middle East and North Africa which are over 90% Muslim. There are also significant Muslim populations in Southeast Asia (specifically Indonesia and Malaysia), South Asia, Central Asia, Southeastern Europe, West Africa, and the Eastern coast of Africa.Most of these Muslims are Sunni Muslims. Shiite Muslims are most dominant in Iran, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, southern Iraq, northeastern Saudi Arabia, northern Yemen, central Pakistan, and central Afghanistan.

What are the disadvantage of science and technology in Islam?

Not sure about your exact question. Though Islam is the only religion in the world that is in perfect sync with modern technology, science and its findings.

Did Islam originate in west Africa and spread to the Middle East?

No. The exact opposite occurred. Islam originated in the Middle East and spread to West Africa in the subsequent centuries.

Haw could you become exact musllim?

to become an exact Muslim first you have to recite shahada and then become a proper Muslim by folowing what Islam teaches us assalamwalaikum

How is Islam practiced today?

The exact way it was practiced long ago during Muhammad [S.A.W]'s time

Where did Islam faith begin?

Islam as its known by prophet Muhammad's teaching began in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. but in Islamic concept, it began the day when humans were created by god and exact location of it is unknown.

What city is in the middle of Islam?

There is no specific city that is considered to be in the middle of Islam. Islam is a global religion, with followers and centers of worship located worldwide. The holy cities of Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia hold particular significance in Islam, but they are not considered to be in the exact middle of the religion.

Can a indian girl from malaysia marry a muslim boy from india without change religion?

If they both are Muslims of the same sect, then it is no problem. A Muslim man can marry women of "people of the book", which means : A Muslim, a Christian, or a Jew. However, A Muslim woman (Sunni-to be exact), can only marry a Muslim Sunni man.