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2 haploid gametes, each with 23 chromosomes

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Q: What are the final products of meiosis in male?
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What are the final products of meiosis in humans and most other animals?

The product of meiosis in animals is sperm cells and egg cells.

How do the products of meiosis in men compared to meiosis in women?

the products of meiosis i. e. sperms, in men are several times more than the ova, in women

Is the end of products of meiosis are haploid cells?

Yes, 4 haploid cells are produced as products of meiosis.

What is a product of meiosis you?

The products of meiosis are called Gametes.

How do the products of meiosis 1 differ from those of meiosis 2?

meiosis 1 there is a duplicate of the parents chromosomes, and in meiosis 2 it is cut in half.

How might gametes production in male bees differ from normal meiosis?

They do not go through meiosis.

What are the alcholic fermentation products?

cytokinesis and meiosis.

What are formed through meiosis in the male reproductive system?

Secondary spermatocytes are formed at the end of Meiosis I and spermatids are formed at the end of Meiosis II.

How many chromosomes does a sperm cell have at prophase I?

Sperm are all 1N (half the complement of chromosomes of the original male). Prophase 1 in meiosis the cell is 4N Prophase 2 in meiosis the cells are 2N Final division creates 1N cells.

Are the final cells in meiosis diploid or haploid?


What produces male and female sex cells via meiosis?

Meiosis is the process that produces the sex cells.

In which structure or organs does meiosis formation of male gametes and or female gametes occur in animals?

In which structure or organ does meiosis formation of male gametes and or female gametes occur in plants male and females