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Meiosis is the process that produces the sex cells.

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Q: What produces male and female sex cells via meiosis?
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What type of cell division produces diploid cells?

Meiosis produces haploid cells from a diploid cell

What are the male and the female sex cells?

meiosis results in the production of our specialized sex cell what for male and what for female

Does meiosis occur in males or females?

there is no difference between the meosis in males and females.

How many daughter cells are produced in the male?

Meiosis in male produces four genetically distinct daughter cells.

Compare the male and female spores of a conifer?

The female spores of a conifer are called megaspores or macrospores. Megaspores develop into a female gametophyte, producing egg cells. Male spores of a conifer are called microspores and are formed from meiosis. Microspores develop into the male gametophyte, which produces sperm cells.

Produces male and female sex cell via meiosis?

Reproductive system.

Characteristics of meiosis include?

Meiosis is a type of sexual reproduction in which the number of chromosomes are reduced by half by means of separation of homologous chromosomes, producing 2 haploid cells whereas Mitosis is a process of asexual reproduction in which a single cell divides into two producing two similar cells with equal number of chromosomes resulting in 2 diploid cells. Meiosis produces female egg cells or male sperm cells. Mitosis produces all cells other than sex cells.

What kind and how many cells are formed in meiosis?

If your have a single parent cell during meiosis it will make 4 daughter cells. These cells are called gametes and if the parent cell is in a male they would make sperm cells an for a female it would make eggs

What reproductive organ produces gametes?

Both male and female organisms produce only one type of gamete. The female gamete is the ovum (or egg) and the male gamete is sperm. Both gametes fuse together at the first stage of fertilization.

What process occurs in the formation of sex cells of both male and female?


How is a sperm produced?

Through meiosis (the division of sex cells in the male and female)

Gametes are reproductive cells with nuclei resulting from?

They are generated from cells that underwent meiosis.