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There are hundreds of rules regarding kashrut. The key points are:

* Any meat or poultry has to be certified kosher.

* Fish has to be from a kosher species, skin on. If the packaging the fish is in has kosher certification, it doesn't have to have the skin.

* Meat and dairy cannot be combined in any way, poultry qualifies as meat in this case. Even products that contain dairy byproducts (whey, etc) cannot be combined with meat.

* Fish and meat cannot be served on the same dish or at the same time.

* In North America, milk is considered acceptable by most groups. Some groups do require kosher certification for milk. Almost all require kosher certification for dairy products (cheese, etc). There is a higher level of certification for dairy products called Chalav Yisroel.

* Any processed ingredient must have kosher certification.

* Some groups do not eat certain vegetables because it's too difficult to clean them of all bugs and dirt (broccoli, cauliflower, romaine lettuce, asparagus, etc).

* Some groups require that a Jew is involved in the food preparation process of cooked food in some way, even turning on the stove/oven qualifies.

Depending on what's being served and where, some people require supervision by a mashgiach. A mashgiach is a religiously observant Jew who is well versed in the laws of kashrut.

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Q: What are the food preparation guidelines for Kosher?
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What starters are kosher?

Kashrut refers to the rules of food preparation and consumption, any food that is produced according to these rules is kosher. Kosher is not a style of cooking.

Why is something kosher?

Because the rules of food preparation (kashrut) as originated in the Torah were followed.

What is meant by koshered food?

There is no such thing as "koshered food". Kosher food is food that is acceptable for Jewish consumption because it follows the Torah and Rabinnic requirements for food preparation. Koshered appliances are cooking implements that have been sufficiently cleaned so that they can prepare kosher food without contaminating the foods with non-kosher elements and thereby rendering the food treif (un-kosher).

What are some bed aspects of a kosher diet?

Kosher, when dealing with food and diet, simply refers to rules for the preparation and consumption of food. It has no bearing on the quality of diet itself. As such, there is nothing intrinsically good or bad about a kosher diet in terms of health.

What do Jews believe about kosher food?

Kosher means 'fit or proper'. Kosher food refers to food that has been prepared following the laws of kashrut. The basis for the laws of kashrut is the Torah which provides the general outlines of what is and isn't fit by Jews. The goal of these guidelines, as is the goal of all the guidelines found in the Torah, is to provide Jews a guide to living a righteous and good life. These guidelines apply only to Jews though as there are different paths for different people.

Why are Jews kosher?

Religiously observant Jews will not eat any food that is not kosher. The basis of kashrut is the Torah, this is a part of the guidelines for living righteously given to the Jews by HaShem.

What are kosher meat for Jews?

Kosher means "fit" or "proper". Kosher food refers to food that has been prepared following the laws of kashrut. The basis for the laws of kashrut is the Torah which provides the general outlines of what is and isn't fit for Jews. The goal of these guidelines, as is the goal of all the guidelines found in the Torah, is to provide Jews a guide to living a righteous and good life.

What does kosher certified mean exactly?

It means the food was inspected by an authorized Orthodox rabbi and given his seal of approval. _______ Kosher food preparation doesn't require the presence of a rabbi. Any Orthodox observant Jew can supervise commercial food production, these supervisors are called a 'mashgiach'. The term 'kosher certified' means that the food in question is under the supervision of one of the many organisations that are in charge of making sure commercially produced food is kosher.

Can diabetics eat kosher?

Kashrut, the Jewish dietary laws, govern the preparation and consumption of food for Jew. There is no conflict between kashrut and preparing food for diabetics.

What is a traditional kosher menu?

A kosher menu refers to a menu that consists of only kosher foods in a combination that meets the requirements of kashrut. Kashrut is the term for the Jewish dietary food laws. There are no specific foods that make up a kosher menu as kosher isn't a style of cooking, it's simply the rules for food preparation and consumption.

Is deli the same of kosher food?

Delicatessen places serve kosher food. And if you are talking about 'deli' food, it is usually kosher. _______ Delis are only kosher if they're kosher certified. Most delis aren't kosher.

Is magi magi kosher?

Yes, magi magi is kosher as long as it is produced following kosher guidelines and does not contain non-kosher ingredients. It is always advisable to check for kosher certification on the packaging to ensure it meets kosher requirements.