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Social Values are a complex of knowledge, values and attitudes which contribute to the development of a sound moral character in the individual as well as a sense of community, and competence in responding to the personal, social and cultural aspects of life. Conflicts often arise between individuals' needs and desires on the one hand, and their responsibilities to others and to the environment on the other. If you think about this, there are many circumstances or variables that may affect a person's job performance (for better or for worse) and also the individual's amount of satisfaction -not just a good salary, but things like working conditions, having a good relationship with boss and colleagues, social recognition (you obviously feel proud when you get "a good job") and the concept of "success" both personal and social. Take someone who is a teacher. If teaching jobs rank high in their community, teachers will be highly respected, and they will be getting a good salary and will be working in excellent conditions. They will have a feeling that their work is appreciated and even that they, as people, really matter. This may change from one country to another and circumstances may vary in different areas or cities within the same country. Now think of a corrupt businessman, a hard-working computer expert, a dark and scary drug dealer, a politician, a priest, a great (but starving) pop/rock singer, a soldier, a waiter or a waitress and finally... of yourself and your own job! Depending on where they live and work and the values in their specific environment they will be considered differently, paid differently, and their level of satisfaction with society, things in general and Life itself will not be the same; and even their self-esteem may go up or down as a result. Of course, the person's character, beliefs and ethics may tip the scales to one side or the other too. The issue is a complex one. Hope this helps a bit!

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Q: What are the impacts of social values on job performance and satisfaction?
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