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Key in any relationship are surely:
Listening - actually listening, instead of waiting for our turn to speak

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hospitable intelligent happy sad peaceful industrious thrifty healthy complete orderly wealthy healthy orderly

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Q: What are the key quality traits which promotes good family relationship?
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What are the desirable traits that promote good quality relationships of the family?

well your family is your hugest relationship so they should love you and they care about you

What is the importance of traits?

characteristic feature or quality of a person or thing

What are the traits of a harmonious family relationship?

harmonious family traits are they are having their family reunion spending time together a family that every family member respects each other

What is the relationship between traits and adaptations?

adaptations can be traits

How do you spell traits?

The correct spelling is "traits" (quality, characteristic).

Examples of character traits that help keep family harmonious relationship?

Patience, caring, fair, just.... just like being a teacher

What traits of cattle are the most heritable?

Quality traits, such as fat marbling and milk production are usually the most heritable. In general quality traits are more heritable than growth traits (such as weight), which are more heritable than reproductive traits (such as conception rate).

Would you get a variety of offspring traits during asexual or sexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction promotes variation.

What is the relationship of genes and triats?

you get both form your family members but genes are more like your looks and traits are more like your actions or culture and things

What is the relationship between an organism's genes and its traits?

genes are what makes you who you are and how you look and traits are the genes that you get from your parents.

What are the character traits of your family?

You are the only person who can say what your family is like. You need to pay attention to what your family members are like to tell their character traits.

What are the family traits?

Family traits are genetic similarities that are passed to children through parents. Traits that are specific, like red hair, generally come from one parent.