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Q: What are the long trails of ejecta that radiate outward from craters called?
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What are factors that affect the appearance of craters and ejecta?

I think it depends on how high it fell from, and how large it is.

What is the name of the material that is thrown from an impact crater?

The name of the material that shaters or brakes during impact is called sediment.

The material that falls back to the moon surface after the impact blast is?

It's called ejecta

What are the bright streaks radiating from craters on the Moon?

These fine radial streaks are simply refered to as rays. They are formed from the ejecta from the explosion, from the Moon being hit at high speed. You may see Related Links for more information on crater rays.

What is the material which is forced out of volcano vent called?

The general term for the different types of material that a volcano spews out is ejecta.

What are the long trails of ejecta on the moon's surface called?

They are called rays.

What are the long trails of ejecta on the Moon's surface?

They are called rays.

What is the debris from an impact that falls back to surface of the moon called?


What are lunar rays are the same age as?

The ray systems correspond to the craters produced at the same time. Some ray systems on the Moon are from older craters that have since been overlaid by subsequent impacts in the same area.

What is matter such as magma and rocks forcibly expelled from a volcano vent during an eruption called?


Why craters are circular?

An object impacting a terrestrial surface will tend to throw out ejecta pretty much evenly in all directions. It's energy isn't restricted in any direction, so it goes in every direction (a circular pattern).

Is there life in asteroids?

Maybe, some scientists have suggested that life has once formed on Mars, then an impact flew ejecta (with microbes inside) into space. The ejecta then impacted Earth and started life here. This theory is called panspermia.