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Vacuole is an multifaceted organelle in the plant cell, which has various roles in plant physiology and immunity. Its role is indispensable, right from maintaining tugor pressure to secreting antimicrobial substances outside the cell (HR response).

Vacuole comprises of water containing inorganic and organic molecules including enzymes, bioactive compounds etc, which are primarily produced in the endoplasmic reticulum (RER), transported to vacuole via vesicles, and the vesicles fuse with vacuole to transfer its contents. Repeated fusion of vesicles with the vacuole results in increase in size, and so vacuole occupies a considerable space inside a plant cell.

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Q: What are the main reasons why plants have larger vacuoles?
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What is the main function of the vacuoles in the cell..?


Do carrots have vacuoles?

Yes, carrots have several types of vacuoles with the main being the large central vacuole as well as several smaller vacuoles that contain the proteins that give the carrot it's color.

What is the main function of vacuocles?

vacuoles store food and water i believe

Where in a plant cell is food water and waste stored?

Plant cells store waste in a main lysosome. Animal cells store waste in multiple vacuoles.

What is the main function of vacuoles?

stores water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates