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Two preventive measures include increasing fluids and fiber in the diet. After constipation occurs, stool softeners might be ordered. Some patients prefer enemas, but this can disrupt the fluid balance in a person's body. It is safer usually to increase fluids and dietary fiber and give stool softeners time to work.

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Q: What are the measures known to help relieve constipation?
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Can fruit relieve constipation?

Fruit can most assuredly help to relieve constipation. You are, however, looking for fruits that are high in fiber - which not all fruit is. The higher in fiber content the food is, the more of a help it will be. You can also look for certain fruits that are known to have a laxative effect on the colon. Pears, apricots, prunes, raisins and figs - are just some of the fruit that is used to help ease constipation.

Can massage treat constipation?

Massaging the leg from knee to hip in the morning, at night, and before trying to move the bowels is said to relieve constipation. There is also a specific Swedish massage technique that can help relieve constipation.

Whole grains contribute to chronic constipation true or false?

It is not true that whole grains contribute to constipation. The opposite is true, whole grains can help to relieve constipation.

Does drinking water help constipation?

Yes, and if you drink water it clears out all the bad waste in your body and is key to healthy weight!!!!!!!!

How do you relieve constipation without drugs?

Constipation can be caused by dehydration, in which case additional liquid may help. Eating more foods with fiber can help, but again be sure to drink enough liquid. A third option is yogurt with acidophilus, which can help in some cases, too.

What colon cleanser should I take in order to relieve constipation?

Internal colon cleansing is a great way to help fix constipation. You can use this colon cleanse method to also help you loose weight and feel a lot more healthy overall.

How does castor oil treat constipation?

Castor oil, applied topically to the abdomen and covered by a heat source (a heating pad or hot water bottle), can help relieve constipation when used nightly for 20-30 minutes.

What are some recommended foods to eat to relieve constipation?

To relive constipation, foods with a lot of fiber should be eaten. Fruits like prunes, pineapples, and pears are also beneficial. Vegetables that would help with constipation are beans, greens, carrots, broccoli, and cabbage.

What is the most often used method to relieve constipation?

The most common and natural way to relieve constipation is by increasing your daily consumption of Fiber. This makes the stool softer and bulkier, ultimately making it easier to pass through the human body. Fresh fruits, whole grains and vegetables with diuretic attributes (brussels sprouts/asparagus) should increase the daily fiber intake enough to naturally help relieve the issue.

Does dr pepper help constipation?

It contains caffeine which is a diuretic, so if you drink enough of it, it can indeed relieve constipation! Coffee would also do the trick though. This is only if you are not conditioned to drinking caffeine though, because after a while your body will get used to the 'moving effects' of these ingredients and no longer be effective.

What vitamins are good for constipation?

Magnesium is the best vitamin for constipation. This is because it works in two ways. The first is through osmosis (bringing water into the colon for softer stools) and the second is by calming the nervous system to allow it to relax and have regular bowel movements. I don't know if you would call a probiotic a vitamin, but that will also help with constipation. Look for any probiotic that has species that start with "Bifido" - those are the ones most commonly found in the colon and will help relieve constipation over the long-term.

What are the supplements to fibromyalgia?

There are supplements known as 5htp and Sam e. These have been known to help relive some symptoms of fibromyalgia. Supplements such as these may help relieve some of your symptoms.