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Q: What are the needs ofchildren that need to be satisfied?
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What happens to maslow's theory when a need is satisfied?

Another higher-level need emerges that needs to be satisfied

What happens when a need is satisfied according to maslow's theory?

When a need is satisfied according to Maslow's theory, an individual's attention shifts to fulfilling the next higher level need in the hierarchy. As lower level needs are met, people progress towards fulfilling higher level needs such as social belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. This phenomenon is known as the hierarchy of needs.

Why would a woman sleep with a married man?

because there boyfriend isn't 'good' enough for them. and they need their 'needs' to be satisfied.

People whose needs and wants are satisfied are called what?

People whose needs and wants are satisfied are called consumers. I HOPE THIS HELPS YOU!!

What is the different of maslow's theory and alderfer's erg theory?

Alderfer does not disagree with Maslow's hierarchy of needs completely. He suggests that as more concrete needs are satisfied, less concrete need become more important. Instead of the five deeds that Maslow believes should be satisfied, Alderfer says there are only three important needs lwhereas Maslow's theory argues that individuals move up the hierarchy as a result of the satisfaction of lower order needs. ERG theory includes a unique frustration - regression component. This suggests that an already satisfied need can become activated when a higher need cannot be satisfied. Thus, if a person is continually frustrated in his or her attempts to satisfy growth needs, relatedness needs can again surface as key motivators. ERG theory offers a more flexible approach in understanding human needs than does Maslow's strict Hierarchy of needs

Are wants and needs the same According to Maslov?

Wants and needs are not the same. According to Mazlow, needs are basic things for human survival and are lower on the heirarchy than wants which can only be satisfied after needs are satisfied.

According to Maslow's hierarchy-of-needs pyramid love and belonging needs are satisfied after which needs?

The needs of safety

Does technology progress so new needs can be satisfied?

the answer is TRUE .

Were you satisfied with the service you received?

All businesses want you to be satisfied with the services you receive from them. If you are not satisfied, you need to let them know.

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What is the Marginal Benefit? What is the Marginal Cost? At what point does the MB & MC equal out? (All needs & wants satisfied)

The needs pyramid suggests that psychological disorders arise from individuals'?

Answer: unfulfilled or inadequately satisfied needs BY LECHO648

What is customer service defined as?

able to satisfied their needs and happy about services