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the negatives are that they do not have their own monarch

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Q: What are the negatives of Australia being in the British Empire?
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How did Australia stop being part of the British Empire?

Although Australia gained much autonomy in 1901 as a British dominion, it was not until passage of British Statute of Westminister 1931 that its total independence was asserted. Australia adopted this law in 1942 but was backdated to 1939.

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cocoa, palm oil, groundnuts

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Because Australia was still technically part of the British Empire ( a Dominion) and was bound by an alliance that required it to participate in wars which involved its "sovereign" country( in this case Britain).

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large profits from the slave trade

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The British had gained territory in Africa, North America, South America, Australia, Asia as well as being located in Europe.

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Cricket was first documented as being played in southern England in the 16th century, the expansion of the British Empire lead to it being played overseas.

When did India cease being in the British empire?

in 1947

What was the advantage of being in the British Empire?

Whilst Canada was in the British Empire Britain was burdened with the main responsibility and expense for defending these territories.

What is good about Canada being in the British empire?

We gave them civilisation.....

What was an advantage of Canada being in the British empire?

Whilst Canada was in the British Empire Britain was burdened with the main responsibility and expense for defending these territories.

What benefits did Canada get from being in the British empire?

bhoyg77pl78vg 7yc r7lclfchin

How does India feel after being imperialized by Britain?

British rule ended in the '50s. India is no longer part of the Empire. In fact the Empire itself has changed into the Commonwealth. South Africa, Australia, and Canada are now independent countries as are India and Pakistan. India is on its own.